Author Topic: 6x6 or maybe 8x8 wheeled unmanned(?) urban combat vehicle  (Read 3478 times)

Offline arkon

  • Paper Building Maestro
6x6 or maybe 8x8 wheeled unmanned(?) urban combat vehicle
« on: December 31, 2012, 03:44:01 PM »
this is my first attempt at a ground vehicle.
ever since i saw appleseed, the the manga, sorry if not right expresion for that, but there is a wheeled vehicle with a big  vulcan style cannon rippien stuff up.
 this is my try at such a weapon.
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Offline arkon

  • Paper Building Maestro
Re: 6x6 or maybe 8x8 wheeled unmanned(?) urban combat vehicle
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2012, 03:47:06 PM »
mother F&^*%^*(^*( photo bukit o crap!!!!!!
 sorry tryin tostart a new thread but gettin killed by photo bukit
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Offline raafif

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Re: 6x6 or maybe 8x8 wheeled unmanned(?) urban combat vehicle
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2013, 03:35:34 AM »
interesting idea -- the German Army has started building prototypes of un-manned 4x4 vehicles (bigger than a Humvee) with a cannon but it seems that a smaller vehicle like your model would make more sense.  A whole range of vehicles with different fits for Urban recon, combat , mini-missile etc would be needed.

Offline arkon

  • Paper Building Maestro
Re: 6x6 or maybe 8x8 wheeled unmanned(?) urban combat vehicle
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2013, 08:59:29 AM »
got two more hot wheels monster trucks today so i can make one 8x8 or two 6x6. probly going to go with the 2 6x6.found some robotech missle pods(hold 5 missles) and might make a all gun version and all missle one or mixed armerment (one gun ,one missle box each).
 anyone have some underside pics of indapendent suspenion afv's either manned or unmanned? (real  world or models is fine) i got some ideas but want to see whats been done and works good. thinkin electric motor in each wheel with some sort of power unit to generate ......well power. either turbine or deisel, doesnt really matter to me as you wont see it.
 the monster truck tires come out to be about 4n half feet tall at 1/35.
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