From Damien Burke's TSR.2 history page on his
Thunder & Lightnings site:
"Strangely, in 1979, there was a proposal to revive the TSR2 programme, with an eccentric
chap suggesting possible modifications to bring it up to date (square intakes with variable
ramps like Concorde, modern electronics, Olympus 593 engines as per Concorde and so on)
and badgering government and RAF departments with letters about resurrecting the aircraft.
As he suggested using XR220 and XR222 as prototypes for this 'new' TSR2 and the Tornado
was not far away from flying, it was frankly no wonder that this idea went nowhere."The overall length of the 593 - intake flange to exhaust flange w/out AB is 148.4"(3.769 m).
The 593 has a 7 stage LP compressor, the 301 and 320 (which was based on the 301) have
6 stage LP compressor. The 301 length and diameter are 128"(3.255 m) and 44.5"(1.13 m),
respectively. On all of the afterburning versions of the Olympus engine the AB is a separate
Numbers from JAWA 1968-69.
Are you sure about the 320 having the same diameter as the 593? In photos it doesn't appear
to be as massive as the 593. Photo of 593s being assembled.