Author Topic: A Pink Spitfire  (Read 1825 times)

Offline Robomog

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A Pink Spitfire
« on: July 24, 2021, 02:25:10 AM »
Hi All

This project was a challenge from Mrs Lady Mog,  hot on the heels of the "build an orange aircraft" which resulted in the QF-104 Starfighter,   I was tasked, somewhat tongue in cheek  to build a pink aircraft.  I could have chosen a number of modern civilian types but instead it came down to either a  F4F Hellcat target drone or a Spitfire PRXI. As I had recently finished a Hellcat in blue the Spitfire  became the subject of choice.

The kit is the old Frog mk VIII/XI converted to a PR MkXI  using the Quickboost conversion set. The aircraft is finished in Hataka acrylic PRU Pink from the Photo Reconnaissance set.

The kit went together pretty well, the fuselage fit was fine but the wing/fuselage joint needed some filler. All the raised detail and cannon bulges were sanded off and the panel lines re-scribed. The forward engine cowling was built up from filler to reflect the deeper chin of the original.

The conversion kit consisted of resin parts for the wing cameras and photo etch for the fuselage cameras. It also contained some clear resin for the camera ports but they didn't fit so I substituted some suitable diameter clear sprue.

The canopy is from a Falcon RAF canopy set and is the first time I have substituted a vac form for a polystyrene canopy. It is very fiddly and an awful lot of work and stress but I think the results speak for them selves.

I have never used Hataka paint before and accidentally purchased the pack mixed for airbrush use, nevertheless with a little thinning the paint went on OK onto a white primer surface although I did need around six coats

All the decals are from the spares box. I didn't reproduce the tiny serial number above the tail flash as it was just too tiny in this scale to reproduce on my inkjet.

Here's the finished kit

by Robomog, on Flickr

by Robomog, on Flickr

by Robomog, on Flickr

by Robomog, on Flickr

by Robomog, on Flickr

by Robomog, on Flickr

by Robomog, on Flickr

by Robomog, on Flickr

The Spitfire looks white in these pictures but trust me it is a subtle shade of pink.

Mrs Lady Mog was suitably impressed but thought I had produced another whiff, I had to show some pictures to convince her it was actually  real world. ;)

Over to you now, all comments and criticisms gratefully accepted, as always.

Thanks for looking


Mostly Harmless...............

Offline apophenia

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Re: A Pink Spitfire
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2021, 07:34:43 AM »
Very nice  :smiley:

Did you also show Mrs Lady Mog your photos? Once your "subtle shade of pink" has been (mis)rendered as 'white', it is a Whiff  ;D
"It happens sometimes. People just explode. Natural causes." - Agent Rogersz

Offline Story

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Re: A Pink Spitfire
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2021, 01:33:40 AM »

In the case of the Supermarine Spitfire above, certain squadrons were sent out on missions during dusk and dawn when the sky turned a pinkish hue. In order not to be recognized from above, the pilots were trained to fly right under cloud cover and from below, blended in with the pink background. It’s really that simple.

Offline Chris

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Re: A Pink Spitfire
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2021, 04:46:16 PM »
Neat, I like that

I'm in the process of building a real world Spitfire PR IG from the Legato kit which will also be pink, using the Hataka set, but from the Blue series of paints made for brush use.

Must admit I'm a big fan of Hataka and was hoping he'd be at SMW this year as I had a nice chat with him in 2019 (that long ago ?) and he took on board a couple of my ideas. I have a couple more for him  ;)

Offline Robomog

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Re: A Pink Spitfire
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2021, 02:51:45 AM »
Thanks chaps,

Quite correct  a mundane real world subject. But a nice change from the usual dowdy green/gray  colour schemes   ;D

Chris - given that I had the wrong type of paint I think Hataka paints are fine  ;)

Mostly Harmless...............