Author Topic: LF: 1/72 F-16CM "Have Glass V" decals - *not* a showbird  (Read 3087 times)

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LF: 1/72 F-16CM "Have Glass V" decals - *not* a showbird
« on: March 27, 2018, 06:00:57 AM »
I just picked up a Revell 1/72 F-16C "Solo Türk" kit that I was planning to do up as a Have Glass V bird... except when I looked for decals the only option I can find that are still in print is are the two Caracal sheets (Viper Next Generation and Dark Vipers), and the birds on those sheets are all very showy Air National Guard birds with tail art and things. Not my cup of tea, I'd like a Plain Jane line bird with just a tail code and a serial. I may have appropriate tail codes (Academy F-35A to the rescue), but I'd need appropriate serial numbers in light gray for a Have Glass V bird - or basically any F-16C, really, assuming they're all going to end up in that scheme eventually.

Does anyone know where I can get my hands on the serials? And if there's anything huge that's changed in the stenciling that would require me to get the Caracal sheet for anything else?