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Profiles and Pixels / Re: TaiidanTomcat Pixel Play
« Last post by Jeffry Fontaine on Today at 02:45:08 AM »
I'm hoping to do one or two myself when I get the time to bash some plastic again.  :smiley: have my mind on a carrier fighter version "PBJ" for the USN or USMC
I stocked up on a pair of B-25J kits with the strafing nose (8 X .50" BMG) for a similar purpose sporting folding wings and a tail hook to create a PBJ-1J with CATOBAR features.  Other modifications would include swapping out the three-bladed propellers with four-bladed propellers from the P-51 Mustang.  I was hoping to create the illusion that the R-2600s would be replaced with R-2800s by simply removing the engine exhaust stubs on the engine cowlings.  And that is about as far as I got with the project as it sits here within arms reach in the stash. 
Other / Re: Miura & Panther, red : hybrid aircraft/animals e.a.
« Last post by GTX_Admin on Today at 01:52:03 AM »
New Model Kit News/Reviews / Re: MiniArt Plastic Model Kits
« Last post by GTX_Admin on Today at 01:39:50 AM »

New Model Kit News/Reviews / Re: HPH Models
« Last post by GTX_Admin on Today at 01:28:11 AM »
Profiles and Pixels / Re: TaiidanTomcat Pixel Play
« Last post by GTX_Admin on Today at 01:18:54 AM »
Profiles and Pixels / Re: TaiidanTomcat Pixel Play
« Last post by Frank3k on Yesterday at 11:46:39 PM »
Good to see you back!
Profiles and Pixels / TaiidanTomcat Pixel Play
« Last post by taiidantomcat on Yesterday at 11:11:11 PM »
I surely don't think of myself as a profiler by any stretch, I mostly use the paint program that came with my computer and I cut and paste some things together here and there. Whats neat is that I seem to inspire a couple a couple people. Which I think is pretty special. This is a repost of sorts, from a group build years back. but I think its a good start to getting my feet back on the ground.

This was from a GB idea about the US entering world war II earlier than 1941. It was an idea and some alterations that fell into my lap. I don't think all 3 images combined took me less than an hour to do. The key was just kind of finding images that would be easy to alter.

Here is what it inspired:

I'm hoping to do one or two myself when I get the time to bash some plastic again.  :smiley: have my mind on a carrier fighter version "PBJ" for the USN or USMC

I just think its so neat that a quick cut and paste from a quick idea can turn on lightbulbs in so many people.

Land / Re: A few 1/35 IFV's and AFV's
« Last post by Old Wombat on Yesterday at 10:30:04 PM »
Aero-space / Re: Antonov Design Bureau
« Last post by Old Wombat on Yesterday at 10:28:58 PM »
Looks like a tub of putty ordered by a Mach 2 kit builder. ;)
Land / Re: A few 1/35 IFV's and AFV's
« Last post by Ramba on Yesterday at 09:31:40 PM »
Got the Bronco M1114 with Live Resin MCTAGS turret painted yesterday. I used the Mr. Color FS33531. It looks a little too light for Modern US armor but is one of the closer ones. I think Mig-025 FS33446 is a tiny bit closer but not repainting it. I am hoping the flat coat and weathering will darken it up a bit.

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