Current and Finished Projects > Aero-space

Westland Whirlwind tankbuster "Drei gehörnte wirbelnden zerstörer"


I posted this elsewhere, but thought I'd add it here as an introduction.

The Whilwind was found to be superior to the Hurricane IId and was much feared by the Germans, who allegedly christened it "drei gehörnte wirbelnden zerstörer".  :)
This name was later found to be the product of British propaganda much in the same way the Beaufighter was known by the Japanese as "whispering death"


Brian da Basher:
Nice one, Van! I've always had a soft spot for the Whirlwind. Turning it into a tankbuster is truly inspired.

Brian da Basher

Very nice one!

Your tri-horned Whirlwind is a fearsome looking beast! I remember this from 'that-other-forum' -- great to see it again.

I have always loved this airplane. But you've taken it and made it more lovable


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