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Currently experiencing issues

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Brian da Basher:
It was real slow around 11-11:30 AM EST today when I posted my latest build to the Physical Models/Aerospace section. Odd for it to be like that on a Sunday.

Brian da Basher

father ennis:
I hope this is the correct thread for this. I'm having an issue with several of the major topic areas when I want to check on Modeling,I get Recent Unread Topics,instead. I then have to go  physical models again to see the various areas and the topics to read.  Also, on the main menu, I get a notice that there is an unread post but when I hit the icon I get the message that there are no unread posts,but if I hit the topic I will find a post that wasn't marked before ( and no, it's not one I missed or was posted to while I was on)  This isn't a big problem but it might be a symptom of something,so I thought I'd post it.  Also it's now affecting more topics.

Ennis, could you post a screen-grab showing us what you are seeing?

I'm not getting a clear picture of what you are experiencing from the written


--- Quote from: father ennis on October 22, 2013, 07:31:00 AM ---Also, on the main menu, I get a notice that there is an unread post but when I hit the icon I get the message that there are no unread posts,but if I hit the topic I will find a post that wasn't marked before ( and no, it's not one I missed or was posted to while I was on)  This isn't a big problem but it might be a symptom of something,so I thought I'd post it.  Also it's now affecting more topics.

--- End quote ---

I have experienced this occasionally.  I think it might be partially a symptom of either earlier posts being edited by others.

father ennis:
That was my first thought,too. However, I've seen them marked as "yesterday" and that rules that out. Plus it's a regular thing now for me. I've been having major issues with my internet carrier and the local cell tower. That was why I was off the forum for three months. However,I don't think this is the cause.


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