Current and Finished Projects > Other

Heavy Construction Container Transport Diorama

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Is the container a kit too or did you scratch build it? It would look great with a modern military scene as all I ever saw in Baghdad in 2003 was Army trucks and shipping containers!
Nice work!


--- Quote from: Kerick on January 27, 2021, 01:24:27 PM ---Is the container a kit too or did you scratch build it? It would look great with a modern military scene as all I ever saw in Baghdad in 2003 was Army trucks and shipping containers!
Nice work!

--- End quote ---

Thank you. The container came with the Trumpeter 1:35 US M915 Army Truck w/Container Kit. But If I'm not mistaken, Trumpeter sells them in various sizes too.

I checked the price on that M915 Army Truck w/Container Kit. That thing must be made of gold! Anywhere from $82 to $150! I hope you didn't have to pay that much!


--- Quote from: Kerick on January 28, 2021, 05:35:10 AM ---I checked the price on that M915 Army Truck w/Container Kit. That thing must be made of gold! Anywhere from $82 to $150! I hope you didn't have to pay that much!

--- End quote ---

HAAHA!!! I know, right. I think I paid closer to around 80 plus dollars. But, when you have your heart set on it because, a project called for it, there is no other choice.

We had several hundred of those out on the back-40 of our FOB in Iraq, each one costing the US Gummint $2k/month in rent and AQI's rockets always landed short out there. At night.

I'm sending you a bill for my flashback.  ;)


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