Modelling > Anything But Military GB

ABMGB Guidelines ...

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  Anything But Military GB: July 01, 2014 - September 21, 2014

As the name states 'Anything but Military', which includes any sort of military equipment (air, land,
sea, space, real or fictional) repurposed for civil duties. For the purpose of this GB, Anything but Military,
does not mean it has to cuddly bunny, just not formally 'Military' as in 'the armed forces of the State'.

Fire, emergency and police duties qualify, with the exception of SWAT and similar units as they are
military in all but name.

Real world and sci-fi/fantasy (Steampunk, transhuman, etc.) along with post-apocalypse (Mad Max,
zombies, vampire plaque, Terminator etc.) scenarios are welcome.

Swords into Ploughshares concepts are highly encouraged, the post-apocalypse civvie vehicle turned into
a guntruck etc. has been done to death, so howabout a tank towing a plow? or ... ?

Or simply just build a real world airliner, small plane, car, truck, train, boat or ship. The subject doesn't
have to 'whiffed' to take part.

Current in work projects are allowed as long as they are less than 75% complete, it's up to the individual
to determine what they feel is their current state of completion, and the intended role/finish is 'civvie'.

Have fun.


I thought I had read when this starts and when it ends Jon, I can't find where though ?

Sooo, to make the description shorter:

- I can start from anything, or make it up if I don't find a satisfactory starting point.
- The final result cannot be in use by the military of any government.



Only a couple of weeks to go folks...


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