Modelling > The Floaty GB June 1 - Aug 31

Yellow Submarine - the Seaquel

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Brian da Basher:
Just in time for 2012 Fashion Week, Yoko Ono launched her new menswear line. Even though she spent generously on publicity and had a high-tech show, her fashions did not do as well as she'd hoped.

In fact, Yoko Ono's entree into Haute Couture was a huge flop and practically bankrupted her. Desperate to raise some cash, she decided it was time to make a follow-up to the hugely-successful 1968 Beatles' animated film Yellow Submarine. The best animators and CGI artists were hired and promotional posters looked promising.

Of course, it all begins with the Yellow Submarine itself. Yoko Ono felt a re-design was called for to make it a little more up-to-date.

Word was Yellow Submarine - the Seaquel would feature current pop mega-stars in the main supporting roles.

The excitement was truly palpable on the night of the premier. Many advanced tickets were sold and crowds mobbed Grauman's Chinese Theatre. Yoko Ono was hoping the critics would love her "re-booting" of the Beatles' classic. Unfortunately, the press was not kind to the casting of Justin Bieber as the Chief Blue Meanie, Marilyn Manson as Old Fred and Usher as Jeremy Hilary Boob, Ph.D - Nowhere Man.

After the animated film was universally panned, not even getting a thumb's up from the National Enquirer, Yoko Ono found herself in dire financial straits. However, while she was unable to live in the style to which she'd become accustomed, merchandising kept her from becoming completely destitute. While the Justin Bieber Chief Blue Meanie and Usher Jeremy Hilary Boob, Ph.D - Nowhere Man action figures did ok, the Marilyn Manson Old Fred doll was a complete dud. Luckily for Yoko, the Yellow Submarine plastic model kit sold like hotcakes.

Unfortunately for Yoko, she wrote off models as "a silly hobby for losers" and only got .02% of the sales after taxes. She was forced to give up her spacious condo in the Dakota and move into the Y near the Brooklyn Navy Yard.

Yoko Ono was last seen feeding the pigeons in Battery Park and mumbling to herself that "no one understands my genius".

Brian da Basher

Brian da Basher:
This all began about a month ago when an unexpected box arrived in the mail. Finsrin generously sent me a bunch of old fuselages. Included was one from a Supper Guppy. It took me a few days to figure out what to do with it, then this GB popped up and suddenly it came to me.

Turned upside down it seemed a natural as a submarine. I did a little surgery to the tail and added a couple of left-over conning towers. Unfortunately, there was still this rather noticeable gap where the windshield was.

Sorting that out took a bit of thought. Then I figured that I could just bend some old sprue around it like bumpers on a 1948 Studebaker.

I added the tail from a 1/144 Betty bomber to the bottom to balance things out. Wings from a 1/72 Yak were added on to the original wing roots as dive planes. The props were photo-etch parts from the spares box. The four periscopes were scratched from bent sprue and more spare parts.

Next it was off to the paint shop!

Few colors are as challenging as yellow. I went through almost an entire bottle of it on this model. I lost count of how many coats I applied, but after a week or so, it was ready to be finished.

The decals were all a mix from the decal dungeon. The nice "sea creature" stripe along the hull is actually from Scandinavian Airlines System livery.

I had a "whale" of a time putting this together and I encourage you to come and join in the fun!

Brian da Basher

Cliffy B:
You having double vision there Brian?   ;D  Pruned your posts for yas.

I can't stop laughing about this one!!!  Great utilization of old spares  8)

That first picture though...............*shudders*  If I have nightmares from that.....

Brian da Basher:
Much obliged for the edits, Cap'n Cliffy! After playing around with pictures of Yoko Ono's "fashions" I'm lucky I'm only seeing double instead of totally blind!

If her menswear line wasn't completely integral to the story, I wouldn't have bothered with it, believe you me!

Brian da Basher

That's hilarious, and what a perfect use for a Guppy too.... ;D :)


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