Modelling > Clear Your Bench GB

Bench Clearing Brawl! GB

(1/3) > >>

1. Have Fun!!!

2. All started projects are allowed, from one percent started to 99 percent complete. The whole point of this GB is to "get er done" and finish those projects you have started. We all seem to stall at different points, so a picture of where you last left off, and a description of your plans are taking you makes a logical start.

3. Any medium is welcomed - so physical models, Pixels/profiles and stories (and anything else if you can think of it) are all welcome.

4. Creativity encouraged as is collaboration.

5. Duration is November 1 2012 to December 31, 2012.  An extension may be granted, if you feel your projects would remain incomplete without one!

6. Physical creations and pixels/stories will be judged separately.

7. Multiple entries are allowed and encouraged. This GB is supposed to get you across the finish line!! The more Finishers the better!!

Any questions are to be directed to the Moderator (Taiidantomcat).
See Rule 1!

I will be out of town and thus (possibly) out of touch for the next 72 hours or so  :-\ :-\

Brian da Basher:
Is there any chance of an extension?

I've got something for the 3D side that I can probably get together if given an extra week or two.

Brian da Basher

I would like to offer an extension of two more weeks, especially if it means more finished models, and I know I could use it.

Please post if you need more time, even just "+1" will be a good indicator

+1 for an extension myself.

Cliffy B:
Alright I'll try and join in if the extension goes through.  Count me in.  I have a 1/144 airplane I have to finish that's been collecting dust for probably 1.5 years or more.


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