Modelling > Scenarios

Nazi Germany is defeated 1940-41.

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This is not a new idea ... but what happens next?

After German forces were defeated in the Ardennes in summer 1940, things went downhill for Adolf Hitler in a hurry. By the end of 1941, Nazi Germany was no more. All was well in Europe again. Er ... Right? ... Well, not quite ... Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili, "Father of Nations", "Brilliant Genius of Humanity", "Gardener of Human Happiness", Stalin, saw some opportunities in the defeat of Nazi Germany. A quick realignment of alliances followed, as it was clear that the Soviet Union was intent on continued expansion. Another war could not reasonably be avoided. With all the resources of western Europe, and some help from USA, it was thought that USSR would soon cease fighting. It turned out not to be quite that easy.

My version, for Northern Europe starts:
Up North, Finland - with a population of less than 4 million - had been fighting a second war of survival after a short "Interim Peace" against the mighty Soviet Union. Inevitably, some ground had been lost but that started to change in 1942. With new-old friends, the supply of war material was improved.

As it turned out, all of the Soviet Union needed to be occupied to some degree, and southern Nations were not all that eager to take on the West Siberian Plain. By the end of 1952......

What happens elsewhere?

With Nazi Germany defeated, would Japan go ahead and attack in the Pacific as she did?  If so, what response would she get considering that she's now attacking nations that can concentrate on her more.  The other thought is that, since she's threatened, albeit not directly at the moment, by the Stalinist Soviet Union (though I could see "Uncle Joe" making moves that way), would she swallow a lot and align with the powers fighting the expansionist Soviet Union, setting the stage for a subsequent conflict with her former allies?  Lots of possibilities here.

Old Wombat:
We were already "former allies", as Japan fought against the Central Powers during WW1.

Well, yes, that is how they acquired several of the Pacifici islands formerly claimed by Imperial Germany.  The dynamics of any allicne they'd have with an anti-Soviet Alliance would be most interesting.

Is it just me or is it easy to imagine most of Europe aligning against expansionist USSR, but hard to figure out what could have happened in the Far East?

Was everybody between Europe and Japan too weak or too divided to become actively involved?


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