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Aliens and Spaceships… Bruce Pennington’s Retrofuturism


--- Quote from: Story on August 04, 2021, 12:02:47 AM ---Aliens and Spaceships… Bruce Pennington’s Retrofuturism

--- End quote ---


Some nice retro looks in the images.

Does anyone know the backstory behind MAiM's 3D-printed Front 46 series? As far as I can tell, it is a variation on extended-WW2 scenarios. However, instead of the Third Reich, it is Schwabenland against the Soviets, Brits, US, etc. Uniforms look much like RW but, you know, with walkers, energy weapons, gatling railguns, exo-skeleton suits, etc, added in.

The kit that seems to get most of the attention is #35331 - the Gefechtsroboter Hammerschlag (or 'Hammer-blow' Combat-robot) with driver. This has a strong Ma.K. feel about it. That influence is even stronger in the cheekily name Unke Taktischer Raketenwerfer ('Toad' Tactical Rocket-launcher).

Others - like the T.S.K. Thor (Schwerer Kampfläufer or Heavy Combat-runner) combine Ma.K. with giant Mecha/Gundam influences. Or, like the S.H.E. Mücke (Spionage Hybrid Einheit or 'Mosquito' Hybrid Spu Unit), are more Star Wars-y. Anyway, colour me intrigued. Anyone know more?

The Big Gimper:
Found on Twitter. Highly modified 2001 A Space Odyssey Pan Am Shuttle.


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