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What if Manhattan Project did not exist?

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--- Quote from: Tophe on July 10, 2012, 12:13:13 PM ---Another possibility would have been to give up the requirement for unconditional surrender. Today we are told that negotiation (in Israel) is mandatory for a fair peace, why not applying it at that time?
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By that rationale why didn’t the allies negotiate a ‘fair peace’ with the Nazis? The Arab-Israeli example has nothing to do with WWII and the Nazi and Imperial Japanese aggressions.

--- Quote from: Tophe on July 10, 2012, 12:13:13 PM ---Another Why Europe had been allowed to conquer the World but not Japan? Millions of casualties for racist unfairness, I disagree.
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Europe was never allowed to conquer the world. They did it when there was no one able to stop them. Also while European conquest may have inflicted lots of direct casualties there are literally billions of people who have had a chance at life thanks to European suppression of tribal societies (by far the most violent type of society humans have ever lived in) and the distribution of modern medicine and agriculture. The Japanese offered no such benefit to the societies they conquered and were in actuality the worst and most oppressive colonial masters the world has ever seen.

By the way racism is not a difference in race but the allocation of a intrinsic characteristic to racial groups to place them into a hierarchy. The Japanese Imperial society had been overwhelming proven in the 1930s and 40s to be an immense danger to the world and human species so had to be destroyed by chemical or atomic explosives.

I disagree, but this is turning political and I think I should shut up. Sorry.


--- Quote from: Tophe on July 10, 2012, 01:19:45 PM ---I disagree, but this is turning political and I think I should shut up. Sorry.

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How can it be political? This isn’t about left vs right or gold standard vs silver, etc. I would be more than happy to read your opinions. I love history and discussing it, which is why I am interested in ‘what if’.

If I was calling the moves.  For a short simple answer.
After Iwo Jima and Okinawa minimize landings and land fighting.
Blockade - and keep tightening that noose.  Everything from row boats on up gets blasted.  Sailing or not.
Bomb and strafe anything but Palace and hospitals.  Delayed detonation bombs hamper repair efforts.
Napalm crops, livestock, same for forests in dry season.
As bombers and fighters from ETO arrive, the intensity increases and defenses decrease.
Battleships, cruisers, destroyers blast all that they can reach.  PT boats, PGMs and such land sabatoge parties.
Masatake Okumiya and Jiro Horikoshi in the 1950's wrote about defenses and economic/industrial activity crumbling as was in 1945.
Also, industry took a big hit from the 1944 earthquake.


--- Quote from: AGRA on July 10, 2012, 02:02:37 PM ---I would be more than happy to read your opinions. I love history and discussing it, which is why I am interested in ‘what if’.

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My opinion is different: I dislike History, that is why I prefer what-if World
Now I let you with War to Japan 1946. Bye.


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