Modelling > Scenarios


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Anglo-Belgian-Franco Coalition against Mussolini's "One Million Bayonets" after the fall of Ethiopia (1937).

Air-delivered chemical weapons, WW1 style logistical challenges, the return of Airships (Helium?) and creaky Light Armor.

Some things likely will stay the same, Soviet efforts in Tokyo and Washington, D.C. to push the US and Japan into conflict rather than have Japan turn it's eyes toward the "Northern Resource Area: (Siberia).  And, yes, between the Sorge ring in Tokyo and efforts in Washington, D.C. as documented in the Venona papers, the Soviet Union was definitely pushing for such a conflict.

Without Hitler to champion the NSDAP, I don't know that the nazis would have come to power in Germany, but if things were too even, I could see them making temporary common cause with the communists (after all, both are, for lack of a better term, denominations of Socialism just as Fascism was).

kim margosein:
Well, my two pfennigs.   Ernst Roehm gets the jump on Hitler.  Without Hitler. there is no devil's bargain  with the industrialists, and the SS can go home and hang up their Hugo Boss uniforms.  Germany moves toward a left-center authoritarian government, with a German version of the New Deal.  A proto-European Union forms around Germanyh Poland Italy Turkey and Hungary.


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