Author Topic: Vietnam-era Elint aircraft systems  (Read 3280 times)

Offline Alvis 3.1

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Vietnam-era Elint aircraft systems
« on: November 30, 2015, 01:37:04 PM »
I'm working on a late timeframe (1970-73) Vietnam war era Elint aircraft, USAF. It's pretty large (think F-111 with more crew) and am wondering what type of systems would it carry? I'm thinking about the detection and jamming capabilities of the day, with the aircraft being able to jam systems, detect signals, and even fire off up to 6 HARM-type missiles. (Or whatever is the appropriate weapon during that timeframe.
Does anyone have any links to anything understandable by me? I tend to glass over as soon as the ALQ numbers start to fly...

Alvis 3.1

Offline elmayerle

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Re: Vietnam-era Elint aircraft systems
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2015, 11:40:25 AM »
Obvious choice without developing a whole new aircraft would be USAF equivalents of the EA-6B if you want both ELINT and SEAD capabilities in one aircraft.  If you are looking for a strictly ELINT aircraft (equivalent to the EP-3, development of which started in 1964) you might consider a highly modified C-130 with EP-3 systems and a pressurized module in the cargo bay for the operators (either that or USAF variants of the EP-3).

Stretching a F-111 to four seats would be quite the exercise, especially to maintain weight and balance requirements (one reason the EF-111 used such an automated version of the EA-6B's systems to eliminate those extra seats).

Offline Alvis 3.1

  • Self acknowledged "Bad Influence"…but probably less attractive than Pink
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Re: Vietnam-era Elint aircraft systems
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2015, 02:12:00 PM »
Well, the airframe I have picked out to do the What If to is fairly large, was used by an Air Force, and did I mention large?
There's going to be some reworking of the fuselage in line with something to original manufacturer proposed, but was never built. It's all the fun goodies, electronics wise, that I am utterly out of my depth on. What sort of jammers would be available at that time, and would a large elint type aircraft be capable of firing anti-radar missiles, or was that something a specialised aircraft would be able to do?

Yes, I know I'm being overly vague, I tend to keep my projects under wraps until they are done, as I tend to lose interest part way through a lot of the time and hate having WIPs left hanging. It's bigger than a B-66, smaller than a B-36 if that helps. Escort missions to support the B-52 raids over North Vietnam would be the starting point, with integration as a air defence suppression aircraft for SAC as well.

Alvis 3.1