Modelling > Sea

Air Cushion Vehicles and Hovercraft

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That's a Super 4 (a Mk 3....) in the top photo Greg, you can see it's much longer than the Mk 1 in the lower view. I did a few Channel crossings in the APU bay, far right on the exploded view, taking oil samples. It was just a bit noisy..............  :(

If you want a LCAC for a 1/48th aircraft model why not buy the 1/72nd plastic LCAC kit - I think Trumpeter do it but it's rare to see it.


--- Quote from: PR19_Kit on December 14, 2013, 05:08:13 AM ---That's a Super 4 (a Mk 3....) in the top photo Greg, you can see it's much longer than the Mk 1 in the lower view.

--- End quote ---

Understood.  I was really only using the images to illustrate a point.

Anyone got any good techniques for making hovercraft skirts?

On small models you can make a Milliput "sausage" and put creases/strips in it when it's semi-dry, but I imagine that wouldn't work (or would at least use vast amounts of Milliput) on something bigger than a few inches across.

The Big Gimper:
Could the Super 4 support the transport of two Harriers and / or helos?


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