Modelling > "Anything Goes"/"Strut Your Stuff"/"Introductory" GB

SF-40 "Starkiller"

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Keep in mind I haven't built anything in about a year or more, I'm a bit rusty and it might take me a bit to get back up to speed.
Kind of thinking along these lines.
The SF-40 Starkiller is the first fighter able to breach the atmosphere and function as a space fighter. It's primary role is policing the near orbit around earth and keeping the strategic upper hand. The SF-40 is able to knock out communication satellites and space defence platforms and still return to earth and perform as an atospheric fighter.
The base model is the 1/48 Testors/Italeri F-19 Stealth kit.

The Contents:

First up, some additional wing area...just looked like it needed a bit more surface area.

To be continued...

Off to a good start, I'll be following this build with interest.

Brian da Basher:
Right off the bat I really like your wing mods, Doom! It may have been a while since you've built anything, but it doesn't look like you've lost your touch!

This one's gonna be fun to watch!

Brian da Basher

Super cool bubba. I cannot wait :icon_alabanza: :-*

I got to spend about an hour at the workbench last night.
I added a pair of  fins that are sporting a more rounded shape that compliment the model a little more than the more angular kit fins did, also angled them out instead of in.

Since the tails are now tilted outward instead of in, I had a big blank spot that the fins used to rest on that needed "something," I opted for adding some louvered vents.

Still have some clean up to do then I need to start blending all the new additions with some.... you guessed it, PSR!  :o 
I'm going to try and sqeeze a little time in the evenings where I can this week...stay tuned.  ;)


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