Modelling > Brian da Basher/Brian Perri Memorial GB

The Rules

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Here are the Rules of the "Brian da Basher/Brian Perri Memorial" Group Build:

* Have Fun!!!
* Do something that is either inspired by something Brian would have done or is in tribute to him
* Spats and airship modifications encouraged.
* Plastic, resin, pixels/profiles and stories (and anything else if you can think of it) are all welcome.
* Humour encouraged especially in supporting stories
* Creativity encouraged as is collaboration
* Duration is the whole of 2020.  An extension will probably be granted, but only if you ask nicely...bah! ... who cares.
* Any questions are to be directed to the Moderator.
* There will be no vote - the idea is simply to encourage people to pay tribute to one of our founding members and icons of the hobby.
* See rule 1


The Big Gimper:
Please sir, may I have an extension? I do love the F-35, sir.


Spey Phantom:
i would like an extension too, im running behind due to equipment failures  :-\


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