Modelling > It's the End of the World as We Know It! GB

What we knew would have been a nightmare...


The World as we knew it was a nightmare: aircraft full of fire ("piston", "jet", "machine-guns", "bombs"). This morning I woke up in a better World: thick air does not require huge spans, mind-power requires no fire for speed, easy-VTOL requires no landing-gear anymore, human-friendship requires no weapon anymore. The bad World has peacefully comen to an end... But I am worried to close my eyes: what will be next World? "tomorrow" (if the "night" is not another false memory...).
[written, illegally in 'France', under Abilify antipsychotic treatment]

Brian da Basher:
Those are some delightful models, Tophe! I especially like the one with the biplane tail and asymmetric propellor.

Tres bien, mon ami!

Brian da Basher

Good ol' Tophe went straight to the actual meaning of the word apocalypse, revelation
not destruction.
 :)  :)

Very Very nice  :)


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