Current and Finished Projects > Land

Team Yankee

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Ok, to be fair there's not much in the way of actual plastic "whiffing" here, but it is a fictional unit based on a book set in a fictional cold war / twilight2000 setting.

So ...... here's my take on "TF-1-78 Team Yankee", a tank heavy combat team comprising of units from 1-78 mech and 1-4 armd and defending the Fulda Gap in  Germany as part of CENTAG, the US commanded Nato Central Army Group.

It's made up of kit including the Hasegawa M1A1, Revell Bradley M2A2, ACE Lav-ITV and a couple of Italeri M113A1 ACAVs. My brothers currently amassing the kits to build up a wargaming force to put on a demo game of the teams first combat mission. As it's somewhere in the region of 40 vehicles plus terrain we hope to get it all ready (including the rules) to be able to put it on at the annual Wellington gaming convention in 2015.

As usual bigger and more pics on my blog. Also a special shout out to our Jeff Fontaine who helped out immensely with my understanding of US tactical doctrine and markings for the period.


Love the used dirty look on top of the good looking builds underneath.
Noticed that dirt/mud is in the right places for being flung around by tire and tracks.  :)
Configurations of the two M113 are particular favorites.  8)

Jeffry Fontaine:
Glad to be of assistance.  Nice little scene you put together and all that is missing is the dust and diesel smoke :)

father ennis:
Those are just incredible !!    :-* :-* :-*  It's hard to believe those are only 1/72.scale.  I had a friend who played that game but I never did. However, he did convince me to build some armor in 1/35 scale. I can't wait to see more of your outstanding work.

Nice work and great weathering  :)


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