Current and Finished Projects > Land

Charlie on the left!

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It's great taking a week off - I get to finish models! I got the Masterbox 1/35 scale "Charlie on the Left!" in part because of the box art. Masterbox really does a great job with dynamic figure poses:

I combined it with the Academy M151A1 kit. The Academy kit was an uneventful build. The Masterbox figures took a lot longer, mainly because there was no way of getting the .50 ca gunner to fit. I did some plastic surgery until he fit OK, and called it a day. Not the most accurate super detailed job, but I think it came out OK. I didn't build the two VC figures from the kit.

The uniform colors are off and their gear doesn't quite match the boxtop. The uniforms aren't as crisp as I would have liked. I was tempted to replace them with some DML Marines, but that would have involved yet more plastic surgery.

WOW - killer great build  :o
So dang good, dunno what to really say........

good painting on the figures,that right there would have stopped me dead cold.

Alvis 3.1:
Awesome job! Their box art is great, the figures can be less so, but the poses are fantastic! I have that set, fated for a not really Real World Vietnam diorama...

Alvis 3.1

Nice work.


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