Modelling > Second Korean War GB

Second Korean War GB - Inspiration Thread

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--- Quote from: Tophe on March 31, 2018, 01:11:48 PM ---I feel bad about this GB subject, like highly political, in a special direction, that I think is unfair (N.K. is not allowed to have nukes while USA and my France are alas allowed to have and not to respect the disarmament chapter in the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons)... So this GB saying "let us kill, yeah, how?" is very highly political, despite the forum rules.


--- Quote from: GTX_Admin on December 10, 2011, 04:00:34 PM ---3.   Overtly political, religious and nationalistic posts are discouraged
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This post sparked a revelation, I wonder how many who want to pre-emptively strike NK, Iran and others over their nuclear programs also prescribe to the often heard "guns don't kill, people do". ie it's OK to own assault weapons in the name of freedom, but not nucs.

Guys, lets please keep this non controversial - if you can't do that then please just sit this GB out.  If my picture upset anyone then I apologise - I was actually trying to give things a humorous twist.

As for inspiration, (in the same light), maybe the Second Korean War is decided to be a drag race with ridiculous vehicles on either side.  Or maybe both sides revert to using catapults rather than missiles...

More humorous inspiration:

You just know you can use that to inspire something...

Or maybe just go the simple route:

One the flip side, there is also some inspiration here:  Greater Australia (particularly the final chapter)

Some more inspiration from above:


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