Author Topic: 1/35 Post Apoc figures  (Read 54502 times)

Offline Ramba

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Re: 1/35 Post Apoc figures
« Reply #100 on: June 27, 2021, 01:02:04 AM »
The skull cave sounds like a fun project! The Crafter's glue (especially the Amazon comments) make it sound a lot like Gator's Grip glue - really strong, flexible and clear.

Yes, I got the Crafter's glue from Amazon. It is a white glue but dries clear. You still need to clean up the excess though. Just use a wet Q-Tip and wipe it away. I only cleaned up the outside areas of the cave. The inside of the cave you can still see the glue even though it dries clear. I got the glue because it is odorless. That's better for me as I have asthma so I need to use odorless or hypoallergenic glues. I still use CA but I can only use the Starbond Hypoallergenic CA. With the Crafter's glue, I now have an alternative to CA.

This is the Starbond Hypoallergenic CA that I also use. Sometimes you do need to use an accelerator with it though.

Sometimes you do need to use an accelerator with it though. This is the one I use. It says Pen Kit Mall but it is basically the Bob Smith Industries accelerator.

Offline Ramba

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Re: 1/35 Post Apoc figures
« Reply #101 on: September 20, 2021, 10:59:38 PM »
There was a thunderstorm Monday night on Sept. 13 and we lost power from 8:15pm Monday to 10:45pm Tuesday. With the power out, of course the cable and internet also went down. Even though the power came back on late Tuesday night, the cable and internet didn't come back until Sept. 17 on Friday night at 10:15pm. It was like living in the middle ages.

Anyway, with no cable and internet, I took the time to work on some figures. These will be on a what if diorama. I used the FFSMC French Europe Area Pattern decals for the camo trousers. I still need to do some touch ups on them.

I also worked on these two which will be going on the same what if dio as the two shown above.

I used the Cross Delta woodland BDU camo decals for these two. Back in July I brushed on some Microscale liquid decal film on the Cross Delta decals. The liquid decal film left a white film over the decals. I have used that same exact bottle of Microscale liquid decal film before on a few other decal sheets including the FFSMC French camo decals and never had a problem. Anyway, I got frustrated when the white film was left on the decal sheet so I packed everything away. Last week when the power was out and we had no internet or cable, I used those Cross Delta decals. I used the part of the decals with the white film on it on the figures. As you can see, I still need to paint the rest of the figures. I also used a different M4 rifle. I originally had a Live Resin M4 with suppressor but changed it to a Trumpeter M4 with no suppressor.

Some photos of tree damage on the adjacent lot to ours from the storm on Monday. The news said we had 60-70mph winds. Luckily the other trees blocked the falling tree and stopped it from hitting the house or coming down near the house. You can see the house to the left in the third photo. The fourth photo was taken from inside the house.

Some more downed trees from the storm on Monday. Lots of other trees snapped and were completely uprooted. Some of the trees that fell into the street were already cleaned up. I didn't take the photos until Saturday, Sept. 18. These photos show only a few of the dozens and dozens of downed trees, I didn't take photos of every one.

« Last Edit: September 20, 2021, 11:02:52 PM by Ramba »

Offline Jeffry Fontaine

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Re: 1/35 Post Apoc figures
« Reply #102 on: September 21, 2021, 02:30:43 AM »
@Ramba - Welcome back from the dark ages. 

Still think that figure on the left in the image resembles Dolf Lundgren due to the larger torso size.  :smiley:
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Offline apophenia

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Re: 1/35 Post Apoc figures
« Reply #103 on: September 21, 2021, 04:35:12 AM »
Yes, welcome back online.

Regardless of how many times I see that camouflage decal material applied to figure, it still blows me away! Great stuff  :smiley:

The seated guys are looking good. Both are rather gaunt, which is perfect (no MREs in the Post-Apocalypse)  :o

The standing figures are coming along nicely too. And that white film on the Cross Delta decals turned out to be no bad thang. Those camo trousers just look well faded ... as they would after any Apocalypse worthy of the name  ;)

A pity that your local forest decided to join in on the Post-Apocalyptic theme. Always sad to see that kind of carnage with mature trees. Mind you, different story if that is also your woodlot ...

One question: Are you going to enter these latest figures into the Post Apocalyptic GB?
"It happens sometimes. People just explode. Natural causes." - Agent Rogersz

Offline Ramba

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Re: 1/35 Post Apoc figures
« Reply #104 on: September 21, 2021, 05:18:18 AM »
@Ramba - Welcome back from the dark ages. 

Still think that figure on the left in the image resembles Dolf Lundgren due to the larger torso size.  :smiley:

Hi Jeff, I am using the Evolution Miniatures U.S. Marines (Vietnam) figures. Maybe you can tell from the Evolution Miniatures product image if it looks like Dolph or not.

Offline Ramba

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Re: 1/35 Post Apoc figures
« Reply #105 on: September 21, 2021, 05:32:24 AM »
Yes, welcome back online.

Regardless of how many times I see that camouflage decal material applied to figure, it still blows me away! Great stuff  :smiley:

The seated guys are looking good. Both are rather gaunt, which is perfect (no MREs in the Post-Apocalypse)  :o

The standing figures are coming along nicely too. And that white film on the Cross Delta decals turned out to be no bad thang. Those camo trousers just look well faded ... as they would after any Apocalypse worthy of the name  ;)

A pity that your local forest decided to join in on the Post-Apocalyptic theme. Always sad to see that kind of carnage with mature trees. Mind you, different story if that is also your woodlot ...

One question: Are you going to enter these latest figures into the Post Apocalyptic GB?

Hi Apophenia, those four figures aren't going to be post apoc. I posted them here so I didn't have to start a new thread. They will be what if though. The two guys sitting are being held by the other two armed guys. The two sitting were digging for diamonds in a jungle cave and the other two guys found out where they were to steal the diamonds from them. I found an aquarium skull cave and am using that for the dio. The dio will have trees and plants all around. I will try to make it look like a jungle as good as possible. I haven't started the dio yet as I have no where to actually put it but at least getting the figures ready for when I do start the dio.

Here is the aquarium skull cave with the two seated figures.

Where the trees snapped and were uprooted were not on our property but one tree that snapped was on the adjacent property. Not entirely sure if the tree would have actually hit the house or not but the tree is pretty tall and looks like it might maybe just scrape the side of the house if it did actually completely fall. The very top of the tree was blocked by the other trees so it is just resting on the other trees for now. Luckily, the other trees didn't break with the force of the tree coming down. Most of the photos show trees just down the road from our house where a lot more trees came down. It looked like a tornado went through the area but according to the news, it was just a severe thunderstorm with 60-70mph winds. We also had heavy hail too but that only lasted about a minute or just under that. Again, luckily, the hail didn't damage the cars. The trees saved the cars from being damaged by the hail. The lightning was something fierce. It was one of the worst lightning I have ever seen. Looked like something from the movie The Final Countdown when the U.S.S. Nimitz went through the storm and was sent back in time. It was some real scary lightning.

Offline Frank3k

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Re: 1/35 Post Apoc figures
« Reply #106 on: September 21, 2021, 06:25:59 AM »
How do the FFSMC decals compare to the Cross Delta? The figures look great!

That's a lot of downed trees - are they suitable for firewood?

Offline Ramba

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Re: 1/35 Post Apoc figures
« Reply #107 on: September 21, 2021, 07:22:06 AM »
How do the FFSMC decals compare to the Cross Delta? The figures look great!

That's a lot of downed trees - are they suitable for firewood?

Hi Frank, Both the FFSMC and Cross Delta decals definitely need the Microscale liquid decal film. If you don't use the liquid decal film the colors on the decals will rub off especially on the sharp edges of the folds/creases on the figures. The FFSMC decals are transparent and need a white primer on the figures for the camo to show the correct colors. The Cross Delta decals are opaque so any color primer will work. I used to build 1/48 aircraft and using gloss coat first before decalling is a must. I always gloss coat over the primer on the figures before decalling but not sure if they actually need the gloss coat before applying though as I always used gloss coat before. It is just habit now from doing 1/48 aircraft before. I also always use either Micro Set or Micro Sol to get the camo decals to lay down better especially in the folds and creases on the figures. I use a pin to prick the decals over the raised areas so the Micro Set or Micro Sol seeps under the decals so the decals conform to the creases and folds. You still need to push the decals into the creases and folds though for them to conform but the pin hole allows the air to seep out from under the decals. The Micro Set or Micro Sol helps the decals to settle down easier.

The Trumpeter camo decals are actually the best I have ever used and don't need any Microscale liquid decal film at all. The Trumpeter camo decals are also opaque so pretty much any primer will work as well. I also still gloss coat the primer and use the Micro Set or Micro Sol on the Trumpeter decals but as I said, they are probably the best camo decals I have ever used. I have only used the Trumpeter woodland BDU and 3 color desert DCU. They have some Russian camo decals but the colors are completely wrong. I haven't used the Trumpeter Russian camo decals yet so don't know if the colors change once they are laid down but the colors look wrong on the backing paper. The 3 color desert DCU camo decals look darker on the backing paper but once on the figure, the color looks good so the Russian camo decals might change as well once laid down on the figure. I really wish they did more camo decals though as I prefer Trumpeter over the others.

Yeah, lots and lots of trees came down from the storm. We don't have a wood fireplace so the trees are no use to us. Some of the other neighbors have wood fireplaces so they might use the downed trees. Some of the neighbors already called landscape services to clean up their yards. The neighbor next to us has a chain saw and he usually cuts up his own firewood but no trees came down in his yard. He might go around the neighborhood collecting firewood from the other neighbors though. He doesn't live here year round though, it is just his vacation home so he only comes up once in a while and not sure when he will visit next. We were lucky that no trees came down in our yard but there was one in the adjacent property that came down but the other trees blocked it from coming down completely. We are actually calling a tree service this Autumn to top off some trees in our yard as a lot of branches did fall in our yard though. 

Offline Frank3k

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Re: 1/35 Post Apoc figures
« Reply #108 on: September 22, 2021, 12:37:57 AM »
I have some Trumpeter decals - good to know that they're the best, because their figures are terrible.

I've tried making camo decals on both my ALPS and laser printer and it's harder than it seems, since the decal has to be made to conform to the uniform folds.

Wood splinters/pieces from the downed trees might come in handy for dioramas.

Offline Ramba

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Re: 1/35 Post Apoc figures
« Reply #109 on: September 22, 2021, 01:48:07 AM »
I have some Trumpeter decals - good to know that they're the best, because their figures are terrible.

I've tried making camo decals on both my ALPS and laser printer and it's harder than it seems, since the decal has to be made to conform to the uniform folds.

Wood splinters/pieces from the downed trees might come in handy for dioramas.

Frank, I collected some leaves and branches to use in my dioramas. I have a Green Stuff World leaf punch that I have used before. I also collected ferns from the yard as well. You can see the leaves and ferns I used on a small dio already.

Here are some of the branches and roots I collected from the yard.

Offline Ramba

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Re: 1/35 Post Apoc figures
« Reply #110 on: September 22, 2021, 02:13:27 AM »
I just found some old kits from the 90's. They were started back then but I never finished them. They have been packed away since the 90's as I moved twice since starting them and they stayed packed away till now. Unfortunately I couldn't find the box for the Alien. I was digging through the storage boxes in the garage when I came across them. They need a lot of work as they have huge gaps/seams to fill and sand. I will be working on the Alien first as it is the easier of the two plus I had already started to fill and sand it way back in the 90's.

Offline Frank3k

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Re: 1/35 Post Apoc figures
« Reply #111 on: September 22, 2021, 03:57:54 AM »
Are those in vinyl or resin?

Offline Ramba

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Re: 1/35 Post Apoc figures
« Reply #112 on: September 22, 2021, 04:29:55 AM »
Are those in vinyl or resin?

They are regular plastic kits. I already packed away the Predator again but I am working on the Alien right now filling and sanding the seams. Hoping to prime it tomorrow or maybe Thursday. It's a lot of work filling and sanding the seams though. The Alien was supposed to have a small base with an egg but I can't find the kit box with the parts so I am guessing they were tossed years ago.

I do have a Billiken Predator that is vinyl. I also found that one today but haven't taken photos of it yet. I got that one way back in the 90's too and haven't touched it since then. It is in black primer though so I was getting ready to paint it back in the 90's before it got packed away. I unfortunately don't have the kit box for that one either. I lost the two blades that go on the right arm and also lost the open mouth. I found the face shield though which was also already primed in black so looks like I was planning to use the face shield anyway. Too bad I can't find those two blades though.

Offline Old Wombat

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Re: 1/35 Post Apoc figures
« Reply #113 on: September 22, 2021, 05:08:33 PM »
Having  a storm blow through really seems to have got you moving, mate! ;)

As usual, I look forward to seeing anything you put up. :smiley:
"This is the Captain. We have a little problem with our engine sequence, so we may experience some slight turbulence and, ah, explode."

Offline Ramba

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Re: 1/35 Post Apoc figures
« Reply #114 on: September 22, 2021, 09:29:36 PM »
Having  a storm blow through really seems to have got you moving, mate! ;)

As usual, I look forward to seeing anything you put up. :smiley:

Thanks! Most of the time we get a storm, the power goes out but mostly for an hour or so and the internet and cable usually comes right back on with the power. This last storm, the power was out for a day but it took four days for the internet and cable to come back.

Actually, I only worked on the two standing figures. The two seated figures were done a few days before. With no internet or cable, there wasn't anything to distract me ;D ;D ;D. I only got the camo decals applied on the two standing figures though. I should have gotten more done but lacked motivation.

Offline Ramba

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Re: 1/35 Post Apoc figures
« Reply #115 on: September 22, 2021, 09:33:47 PM »
Found this Predator figure in the garage too yesterday. It is vinyl from a company called Billiken. I didn't find the kit box though. A few parts are missing as well. There are supposed to be two blades on the device on his right arm. It also had an optional mouth with teeth. Those are all missing so looks like I will be using the face shield. Looks Like I was planning to use the face shield anyway as it was already primed with the figure. It is roughly 12.5 inches tall.

Offline apophenia

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Re: 1/35 Post Apoc figures
« Reply #116 on: September 23, 2021, 10:20:19 AM »
... I have a Green Stuff World leaf punch that I have used before. I also collected ferns from the yard as well. You can see the leaves and ferns I used on a small dio already.

That leaf punch is such a cool tool! The scale on those collected 'logs' and roots looks perfect too  :smiley:
"It happens sometimes. People just explode. Natural causes." - Agent Rogersz

Offline Ramba

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Re: 1/35 Post Apoc figures
« Reply #117 on: September 23, 2021, 11:11:21 PM »
... I have a Green Stuff World leaf punch that I have used before. I also collected ferns from the yard as well. You can see the leaves and ferns I used on a small dio already.

That leaf punch is such a cool tool! The scale on those collected 'logs' and roots looks perfect too  :smiley:


Here are some photos with a couple of the branches with the cave and figures. This is just a proposed layout. There will be a lot more trees and plants on the dio. I have an 8.5x11 inch photo frame I am using for the dio base. I am trying to see if I can fit a Meng pickup on it as well or maybe the Hobby Boss FAV. I might have to go to a bigger frame but trying to keep it at 8.5x11 as I have no where to put a bigger sized dio much less the 8.5x11.

Here are some of the trees and plants that I will be using.

I also collected some weeds from the yard and dipped them in the AK Neutral Protection for live plants. You have to leave them in the AK liquid for 24 hours to preserve them. I did quite a few so far but they didn't keep their natural green color. They actually turned brown and wilted a bit. You can see the before and after. The last photo shows the weeds turned brown after using the AK Neutral Protection. I asked a friend that also used the same AK product and he said his plants/weeds also turned brown after using it and he ended up just painting the leaves green.

Offline Ramba

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Re: 1/35 Post Apoc figures
« Reply #118 on: December 29, 2021, 02:36:41 AM »
I painted up 3 figures today. I didn't paint the flesh tones yet though.

Here they are. The one on the left I did the camo decal pants like a year ago and I am doing it as post apoc. The other two I did the camo decal pants a few months ago and am doing them as what if mercenaries.

Offline Jeffry Fontaine

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Re: 1/35 Post Apoc figures
« Reply #119 on: December 29, 2021, 03:58:45 AM »
All three look like they have been to the local local Army/Navy Surplus store where mix and match is always in fashion.  :smiley:

You have a good eye for the details!   
"Every day we hear about new studies 'revealing' what should have been obvious to sentient beings for generations; 'Research shows wolverines don't like to be teased" -- Jonah Goldberg

Offline Old Wombat

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Re: 1/35 Post Apoc figures
« Reply #120 on: December 29, 2021, 02:29:21 PM »
Nice work on the figures, Ramba! :smiley: 8)
"This is the Captain. We have a little problem with our engine sequence, so we may experience some slight turbulence and, ah, explode."

Offline Ramba

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Re: 1/35 Post Apoc figures
« Reply #121 on: December 30, 2021, 01:33:57 AM »
All three look like they have been to the local local Army/Navy Surplus store where mix and match is always in fashion.  :smiley:

You have a good eye for the details!

Nice work on the figures, Ramba! :smiley: 8)

Thanks Jeff and Wombat!

Offline Ramba

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Re: 1/35 Post Apoc figures
« Reply #122 on: December 30, 2021, 01:39:39 AM »
Started on a couple Evolution Miniatures 1/35 Stalker figures.

I got a bottle of blue jean craft paint from my mom so gave it a try and it looks OK!

I cut out the faces and replaced them with gas masks. Here is the craft blue jean paint. The darker blue is straight out of the bottle. The lighter color is the same craft blue lightened with white.

Offline Frank3k

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Re: 1/35 Post Apoc figures
« Reply #123 on: December 30, 2021, 02:58:08 AM »
Those jean colors came out great!
I have those Evolution figures but haven't painted them yet. The older guy with a beard looks like the inspiration for the (nowhere as good) Masterbox Vadim kit.

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Re: 1/35 Post Apoc figures
« Reply #124 on: December 30, 2021, 05:17:56 AM »
Over black, that colour came out really well.