Author Topic: World War 3: Rise of the Dragon (updated 13.10.13)  (Read 14957 times)

Offline Spey Phantom

  • 1/144 addict
  • the modeler formerly known as Nils.
World War 3: Rise of the Dragon (updated 13.10.13)
« on: February 24, 2013, 07:27:32 PM »

this storyline based build will be a series of 1/144 models of both Aircraft, Helicopters, Ships and Submarines, depicting a fictional near future conflict, inspired by recent news stories and speculations. any occuring similarities in real life is purely coincidential.

Chapter 1: the beginning

The year is 2021, 8 years have past since China's first cold standoff with Japan over the ownership of the Senkaku-Islands and its natural  recources. for years, China has tried to claim the islands as its own, with diplomatic sollitions going nowhere and discussions with Japan, the US and the United Nations. when China's new rightwing president, Xiahou Zo, came to power, he ordered that the islands be turned over to China, or that they will take them by force. with the UN completly disproving these threats, China set up a military operation to capture what they named the Diaoyu-Islands.

Japan was furious on the act of Chinese agression and it eventually came of an armed stand-off, with JMSDF warships bombaring the islands constantly and Japanese F-2C's performing precision strikes against Chinese bases.
the United States joined Japan in an operation to reclaim the islands, sending its aircraft carrier, the USS George W. Bush to the area.

in an attempt to break Japan, the PLAAF strategic command commenced a a bombing raid on the Japanese city of Kagoshima. a formation of 20 Xian H-9 Backfire's (unlicence copies of the TU-22M1, blueprints obtained in the Ukraine) flew in supersonic, at low level, bombing the city, killing tens of thousands of people.
the United Nations was shocked that is dasterdly attack and removed China from its memberslist and it was almost unanimously decided to ban all exports/imports to and from China.

Russia refused to join the UN in its desision to boycot and embargo on China, and said that it has decided to join China and take on anyone standing to oppose them. this was an expected desision, as Russia's new Poeple's party president, Sergei Valtjev, has re-introduced the Communist doctrine and laws in Russia, what many seen as the rise of a new Soviet Union.

China has also soon made clear that if will take back all the land that was lost over the past century, most likely refering to Taiwan.
and so, a long war began.

(model: Revell TU-22M1, Decals: DIY)
the model is a repainted and refurbished modeli build a few years ago, i repainted most of it, but i could not rework the bombay.
the aircraft depicts a Xian H-9A Backfire, used by the PLAAF's 685th Bombergroup, as used by the attack Kagoshima.

« Last Edit: October 13, 2013, 06:01:50 PM by nils »
on the bench:
-various models

on the drawing board:
-various 1/72 TinTin aircraft
-1/72 Eurocopter Tiger (Belgian Army)
-various other 1/72 and 1/144 aircraft

Offline GTX_Admin

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Re: World War 3: Rise of the Dragon
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2013, 02:04:38 AM »
Nice Backfire.  Did you also want a link in the Stories area?
All hail the God of Frustration!!!

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Offline Geoff

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Re: World War 3: Rise of the Dragon
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2013, 03:39:13 AM »
Only just seen this love the Hong-9! :-*

Offline Brian da Basher

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Re: World War 3: Rise of the Dragon
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2013, 02:42:26 AM »
That's really hot, Nils!

Brian da Basher

Offline Spey Phantom

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Re: World War 3: Rise of the Dragon
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2013, 07:29:22 PM »
thanks everyone, the next model in the series is nearing completion.
furthermore, i decided to add some 1/72 models into the mix, as there is more stuff available in that scale in addition to 1/144 models.

so expect something new soon  8)
on the bench:
-various models

on the drawing board:
-various 1/72 TinTin aircraft
-1/72 Eurocopter Tiger (Belgian Army)
-various other 1/72 and 1/144 aircraft

Offline Spey Phantom

  • 1/144 addict
  • the modeler formerly known as Nils.
Re: World War 3: Rise of the Dragon
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2013, 09:42:49 PM »
Chapter 2.1: They came from the north...

February 2, 2022, its been 3 months since the Chinese attack on Kagoshima, during that time relations between China and the west have gotten worse. the US was told not to intervene in the conflict between Peoples Republic of China and Japan.

however, since things were not band enough, North-Korea has been threatening its southern neighbour South-Korea. in recent years, Kim Jong-Un has updated its army with more advanced equipment from theyre old communist ally, China.
North Korean spyplanes and drones regularily penetrated South Korean airspace in an attempt to gather information on sounthern bases and perimeter defences.

Pyongyang has also threatened to launch nuclear strikes against US bases in the far east if they were to intervene with its military.
Washington realised that any attempt to get USAF and USN inteligence aircraft near the North Korean and Chinese borders would have severe concequences. a month earlier, a USAF E-3A AWACS was shot down by a Chinese J-20 fighter. the AWACS was unable to detect the J-20 stealth fighter, not the long-range anti-aew missile that was shot. since that incident, all US intelligence flights near the borders were suspended and any sighting of an American military aircraft near the borders of China and North Korea would be seen as an act of aggression, the US even was forced to sign a controversial treaty with China prenventing such an incident from repeating. this event, known as the "Bejing-scandal", caused US president, Jacob Harling, to resign.

however, the new US President, Robert C. Tyler, was a bit more rightsighted then its predecesser, stating that the US will no longer bent to the will of re-amerging communist gouverments. however the Bejing treaty still was months away from being terminated, so no security reveilance flights could be conducted near the Chinese and DPRNK borders.

however, the Pentagon, under command of a new secretary of Defence, has found a loophole in the agreement. the treaty clearly states that military aircraft are not allowed to fly near enemy terretorial waters, it did not state anything about Civilian and Law Enforcement aircraft and ships.
a US Navy admiral came up with a plan, the use of a wolf in sheeps clothing.
the plan was to use inteligence or AEW aircraft, painted up as Coast Guard aircraft. of course there was one snag in the plan, the sighting of E-3 AWACS and E-8 JSTARS aircraft in USCG markings would easely arrouse suspicion. therefor, the decided to use updated version of an AEW configured P-3 Orion aircraft, orriginaly operated by the US Departement of Homeland Security.
as part of a test, 2 aircraft were repainted in USCG colors and have proven to work excellent.
when the aircraft wereintercepted, the crews would simply emply that they are on an Anti-Narcotics operation for the Coast Guard, when in fact, they were USAF/USN crews, keeping an eye on PLAAF and DPRNKAF flying activity.

Model: P-3 AEW Orion

the model is a Minicraft 1/144 L-188 Electra, converted into a P-3 AEW orion.
modifications include shortening of the forward fuselage by 15 milimeters (3/4inch), a new nosejob (nose from scrapped 737, PSRed into shape) and the addition of a stinger MAD boom on the tail and an AEW rotodome (from a scrapped revell 1/144 E-2C Hawkeye).
decals are from an old Revell 1/144 C-130E

on the bench:
-various models

on the drawing board:
-various 1/72 TinTin aircraft
-1/72 Eurocopter Tiger (Belgian Army)
-various other 1/72 and 1/144 aircraft

Offline Spey Phantom

  • 1/144 addict
  • the modeler formerly known as Nils.
Re: World War 3: Rise of the Dragon
« Reply #6 on: April 07, 2013, 11:47:37 PM »

due to recent events and tentions with the DPRK and the US/RoK.
i am postponing any further posts in this thread, until tentions in that area cool down.
main reason is that some parts in the storyline include DPRK agression and potential nuclear warfare.

never had an alternate history story got this close to reality  ???

« Last Edit: April 07, 2013, 11:49:25 PM by nils »
on the bench:
-various models

on the drawing board:
-various 1/72 TinTin aircraft
-1/72 Eurocopter Tiger (Belgian Army)
-various other 1/72 and 1/144 aircraft

Offline Spey Phantom

  • 1/144 addict
  • the modeler formerly known as Nils.
Re: World War 3: Rise of the Dragon
« Reply #7 on: April 17, 2013, 01:57:22 AM »
the story might be on hold till thing cool down in NK, perhaps next week i will make a new post.
meanwhile, behind the scene's, modelmaking continues.

here's a little teaser for what i have planned later down the line  O0

meanwhile, there are 4 new models under assembly for the next part. one model for a later chapter has just been completed.
so stay tuned for the next exciting episode.... :D
on the bench:
-various models

on the drawing board:
-various 1/72 TinTin aircraft
-1/72 Eurocopter Tiger (Belgian Army)
-various other 1/72 and 1/144 aircraft

Offline GTX_Admin

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Re: World War 3: Rise of the Dragon
« Reply #8 on: April 17, 2013, 02:18:35 AM »
due to recent events and tentions with the DPRK and the US/RoK

But Respected Comrade Kim Jong-un is just waiting for a new reason to denounce the west...especially their imperialist puppet-master "Beyond The Sprues"... ;)
All hail the God of Frustration!!!

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Offline father ennis

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Re: World War 3: Rise of the Dragon
« Reply #9 on: April 17, 2013, 11:40:44 AM »
Right On,Dude ... !!!
I may be old but I'm not dead ... yet anyway ... !!!    And NO I did not know Richard III !!!!!!

Offline Spey Phantom

  • 1/144 addict
  • the modeler formerly known as Nils.
Re: World War 3: Rise of the Dragon
« Reply #10 on: April 21, 2013, 03:08:56 AM »
ok, i think things have cooled down enough now to continue with the storyline.

Chapter 2.2.1: the North Reacts

May 16, 2022, in an attempt to cool down tentions between West and East, US vice-president Mark Jones traveled to the Soviet Union, to meet with Russian President, Sergei Valtjev. the talks went quite well, although afterwards it didnt seem to have much effect on diplomatic relations with Soviet Russia.

2 days later, the VC travelled to China to discuss peacetalks with Chinese president Xiahou Zo, again, same result.

the next day, the Vice President traveled to South-Korea, to strenghen military ties, and thats when the unthinkable happened.
while on route from Bejing to Seoul, the VC-48A "Air Force Two" was attacked and shot down by DPRK Fighters. Pyongyang responded the next day to the incident, accusing the United States of spying on North Korea, cleaming the vice president's aircraft was in fact a surveilance plane. US President, Robert C. Tyler, denied the aircraft was a spyplane, and accused the DPRK of deliberatly shooting down of Air Force Two, and murder of the Vice President.

the loss of AF2, came a shock to the world, and the White House had declared war on North Korea.
the investigation into the shooting has revieled some shocking information, as only a few days later, AF2's flight recorder was found in the debries. while replaying the pilots conversation during the incident, they claimed to be under attack by a pair of Russian Build SU-47 Firkin-A's, an advanced 5th generation fighter. video images from the aircrafts dashboard camera confirmed the report.
it was obviously clear the Russia and China have ignored and violated the arms embargo imposed on North Korea.
later report revieled that about 40+ of these early production Firkins were delivered to the DPRKAF, in an "under the table" deal.

DPRKAF Sukhoi Su-47 Firkin-A
model: Revell 1/144 S-37 Berkut, modified with internal weapons bays, AAM's from a revell MIG-29 (4 used to create 2 chinese PL-15 long-range AAM's)
Decals: DIY

Chapter 2.2.2: the Yankee retaliation

immediatly after the US declared war on the DPRK, the US military machine sprung into action.
the US Navy quickly dispatched 2 aircraft carrier strikewings to the korean peninsula, the USS George Bush and the USS Gerald Ford, 2 more carriers were to follow shortly.

the first objactive for the navy was to clear out the immediate threat. while USAF B-52J's, B-2B's and B-1R's took care of Radar instalations, Airfields and communication centers, the Carrier aircraft were tasked with taking out the North's long-range Missile launchsites.

the first unit to respond was VF-84 "Jolly Rogers", on board the Bush. they flew the Northrop-Grumman F/A-23D SeaGhost, the latest version of the F/A-23 stealth fighter in a 2-seat multirole fighter confugation. although the unit is primarily a fleet defence fighter squadron, the aircraft were ideal for penetration strikes deep in DPRK territory.

while Navy EA-18G Growlers circled the North Korean coastline to jam radars, they also made a distraction so the F/A-23's could enter enemy territory undisturbed. the aircraft did encounter some resistance from North Korea, especially by Su-47's and the older Mig-29A's, but the acompanying escort fighters managed to deal with the threat while the strike packaged delivered the punches to North Korea's fixed missile sites at Tonghae. the mission was a succes, the site was completly destroyed.

the Tonghae facility was not the only launchsite for the DPRK's long-range missiles, Kim Jong Un still had a number of hidden underground launchbases and its force of mobile Mussadan missiles.

US Navy F/A-23D SeaGhost
Model: trumpeter 1/144 YF-23, modified to a 2-seater (academy tornado canopy),
JDAM's from revell F/A-18E, trapeze racks from revell F-117.
additional scratchbuild doors for short-range AAMs added intert of landing gear, allong with nose sensor and tailfins.
Decals: revell 1/144 F-14A Tomcat.

thought the green tinted canopy might give it that little bit extra.

on the bench:
-various models

on the drawing board:
-various 1/72 TinTin aircraft
-1/72 Eurocopter Tiger (Belgian Army)
-various other 1/72 and 1/144 aircraft

Offline GTX_Admin

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Re: World War 3: Rise of the Dragon
« Reply #11 on: April 21, 2013, 04:00:23 AM »
 :) :)
All hail the God of Frustration!!!

You can't outrun Death forever.
But you can make the Bastard work for it.

Offline Spey Phantom

  • 1/144 addict
  • the modeler formerly known as Nils.
Re: World War 3: Rise of the Dragon
« Reply #12 on: April 27, 2013, 06:50:34 PM »
a little Teaser for a later chapter :)
a hint: think Russian  O0

on the bench:
-various models

on the drawing board:
-various 1/72 TinTin aircraft
-1/72 Eurocopter Tiger (Belgian Army)
-various other 1/72 and 1/144 aircraft

Offline Spey Phantom

  • 1/144 addict
  • the modeler formerly known as Nils.
Re: World War 3: Rise of the Dragon
« Reply #13 on: April 27, 2013, 11:26:16 PM »
if you guessed Sukhoi T-50 PAK-Fa, then you are right   O0

on the bench:
-various models

on the drawing board:
-various 1/72 TinTin aircraft
-1/72 Eurocopter Tiger (Belgian Army)
-various other 1/72 and 1/144 aircraft

Offline Spey Phantom

  • 1/144 addict
  • the modeler formerly known as Nils.
Re: World War 3: Rise of the Dragon
« Reply #14 on: April 30, 2013, 07:20:04 PM »
Chapter 3.1: The Soviet Intervention

The retaliation from US and Allied Forces against North Korea, has led to the upset of Soviet Russia.
Russian president Valtjev saw the American invasion of the DPRK as an act of agression against Russian intrests, as the Soviet Union sees North Korea as a sattelite state, and is concidered a part of the USSR Commonwealth.

The presence of US Warships close to Vladivostok didnt make matters any better. there for, Russia has terminated all diplomatic ties with the United States and Europe and has declared a state of war. for the second time in 25 years, the western world was aonce again under nuclear threat from the Soviet Union and the Warshawpact countries. immediatly, Russian activity in eastern Europe and the far east was increased.

China joined Russia as a coalition partner, making all its military assets available for war against the west.
the USA, the UN and Europe immediatly started a rapid military buildup.

Moral in the west was low, as the western world feared invasion of a joint Chino-Russian enemy, with a force 5 times bigger then US and EU forces combined. NATO patrols and security arround the East-German border were increased and NATO E-350 AEW&C aircraft were monitoring every movement.

no shots were fired, until on the 8th of December 2022, a Norwegian P-8N Neptune was intercepted and shot-down over the border with Finland and Russia. flight data recovered from the aircraft revieled the NoAF aircraft was under attack by 2 Russian Su-50 Fangtail-B stealth fighters (production PAK-FA). it was the first encounter in the war with Russian aircraft witch ended in fatality.

Russian AF Sukhoi Su-50 Fangtail-B
model: kitbash of Trumpeter 1/144 YF-22 and YF-23, with the addition of various salvaged and scratchbuild parts.
decals: academy 1/144 mig-29

on the bench:
-various models

on the drawing board:
-various 1/72 TinTin aircraft
-1/72 Eurocopter Tiger (Belgian Army)
-various other 1/72 and 1/144 aircraft

Offline Spey Phantom

  • 1/144 addict
  • the modeler formerly known as Nils.
Re: World War 3: Rise of the Dragon
« Reply #15 on: May 23, 2013, 03:36:32 AM »
Preview of an upcoming scratchbuild project, the EADS Marlin.
im planning on scratchbuilding 2 of these from plasticard, spares, and a number of 1/72 droptanks.

scale will be 1/144.

on the bench:
-various models

on the drawing board:
-various 1/72 TinTin aircraft
-1/72 Eurocopter Tiger (Belgian Army)
-various other 1/72 and 1/144 aircraft

Offline Spey Phantom

  • 1/144 addict
  • the modeler formerly known as Nils.
Re: World War 3: Rise of the Dragon
« Reply #16 on: July 04, 2013, 06:59:16 PM »
Chapter 3.2: the Peenemunde Crisis

on January 23, 2023, NATO sattelite imagery picked up strange activity arround the East German Air Base of Peenemunde, on the site of the former WW2 Nazi Rocket test facility. on one side of the facility, next to  the old german ones, there were signs that the Soviet Union was contructing new missile Silos, apparently big enough to  house short- to medium range ballistic missiles, perhaps even nuclear warheads.

the United States has warned the Soviet Union that if activity on basing those missiles in East Germany continues, the cold war between the 2 superpowers could get hot. tentioned were already high as a Russian fighterjet shot down a norwegian patrol aircraft little over a month before. President Valtjev of the USSR informed that the contructionwork on the base is only an expantion of the Peenemunde military base and is under construction on behalf of the EAst german gouverment and will leave as soon as work is done.

this of course was not true, as the USSR was actually building launch facilities to strike targets within Europe.
however, to reduce suspicion and to mislead the US and NATO, missiles and supplies for the base will be flown in by DDR-NVA aircraft.
to fullfill this, the DDR-NVA LSK has been supplied with 4 Ilyushin IL-476 heavy transport aircraft. although the aircraft appear in DDR-NVA service, the truth is that they are in fact operated by the USSR, solely to supply and deliver missiles to the base.

1/144 Trumpeter IL-76 candid, decals are from a revell 1/72 antonov AN-2.
as operated by the VVS/DDR-LSK Peenemunde flight.

on the bench:
-various models

on the drawing board:
-various 1/72 TinTin aircraft
-1/72 Eurocopter Tiger (Belgian Army)
-various other 1/72 and 1/144 aircraft

Offline GTX_Admin

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Re: World War 3: Rise of the Dragon
« Reply #17 on: July 05, 2013, 02:05:13 AM »
Different...I like it. :)
All hail the God of Frustration!!!

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Offline apophenia

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Re: World War 3: Rise of the Dragon
« Reply #18 on: July 08, 2013, 11:38:15 AM »
Must see your Peenemunde IL-76 but photobucket is thwarting me  :icon_crap:
"It happens sometimes. People just explode. Natural causes." - Agent Rogersz

Offline Spey Phantom

  • 1/144 addict
  • the modeler formerly known as Nils.
Re: World War 3: Rise of the Dragon
« Reply #19 on: July 31, 2013, 03:38:59 AM »
Chapter 3.3: Red Dawn Rises!

After the Peenemunde crisis, Soviet military activity increased. while most of the worlds superpowers focused they're resources on the North-Korean Conclict, the USSR have managed to rapidly buildup and modernise its military forces.

already angry with the UN approval for the attack on North Korea, Russia could no longer tollerate "American Influence" in the UN Council.
US President Tyler immediatly denied that the United States was infuencing the UN Council to justify the conflict in North Korea, stating the Russian accusations were untrue and unfounded. shortly after the accusations, the Russian president, Sergei Valtjev, was assassinated shortly after his arrival in Moskou, taking a bullet to the head when he stepped out of his plane. the hit was claimed by the Russian extremist political organisation "Red Dawn", an anti-western politically active organisation with its sole purpose to return control of the USSR to the people and free the western world of "American colonialism".

while the nation was mourning the loss of Valtjev, Red Dawn seized the opportunity to gain power in the Kremlin in a silent Coup D'étas.
The newly selected president, Ivan Pugalarin, spoke to people, stating that Valtjev was a traitor and declared that the Soviet Union would not stand for the US imperialist and warmongering behaviour and declared war on the United States.

NATO military annalists were certain that the strike from the USSR will be on mainland Europe.
NATO, EU and US forces in Europe were put on high alert, awaiting the first strike.
the first attack came on August 15, 2023, when a Russian Submarine sunk the US frigate, USS Salt Lake City, in the atlantic ocean. a week later, another ship, a British patrol ship, HMS Slough, was also sunk.
with both attacks so shortly after another, and being in close proximity to each other, the Royal Air Force deployed a flight of Neptune MRA.1's to protect military shipping in the atlantic.

in the first week, RAF Neptunes and USN Poseidons sunk 3 Russian attack submarines, and damaged 2. it was clear that the USSR's war intentions were true, and so the war began.....

Neptune MRA.1, No. 51 Squadron, RAF Kinloss

51 squadron was reformed in 2017 as the RAF's first P-8I Neptune unit, trading its SIGINT role for the Maritime Patrol role.
the RAF Neptunes also have a secondary electronic warfare capability. in total, the RAF bought 20 of these aircraft, including 3 ELINT/SIGINT versions in 2020 to replace the RC-135.

Model: Revell 1/144 Boeing 737-800, modified with scratchbuilt modifications and torpedo's (pylons and harpoon ASM's from revell F/A-18C/D)
Decals: spares + DIY

on the bench:
-various models

on the drawing board:
-various 1/72 TinTin aircraft
-1/72 Eurocopter Tiger (Belgian Army)
-various other 1/72 and 1/144 aircraft

Offline GTX_Admin

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Re: World War 3: Rise of the Dragon
« Reply #20 on: July 31, 2013, 04:55:04 AM »
Why the P-8I given this is the Indian version?
All hail the God of Frustration!!!

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Offline ChernayaAkula

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Re: World War 3: Rise of the Dragon
« Reply #21 on: July 31, 2013, 08:08:36 AM »
Cool!  :) Storm Shadows instead of Harpoons wouldn't have looked half bad either.

"The appropriate response to reality is to go insane!"

Offline Spey Phantom

  • 1/144 addict
  • the modeler formerly known as Nils.
Re: World War 3: Rise of the Dragon
« Reply #22 on: September 27, 2013, 05:14:17 AM »
i know its been almost 2 months since the last instalment in the story, but things are about to get hot real soon.
the next part of the story is on its way, and with a whole collection of new models that are nearing completion.
so stay tuned....:)

The Story Continues
on the bench:
-various models

on the drawing board:
-various 1/72 TinTin aircraft
-1/72 Eurocopter Tiger (Belgian Army)
-various other 1/72 and 1/144 aircraft

Offline Spey Phantom

  • 1/144 addict
  • the modeler formerly known as Nils.
Re: World War 3: Rise of the Dragon
« Reply #23 on: October 13, 2013, 12:49:35 AM »
Chapter 4.1: Crossing over the Iron Curtain.

While the tentions between East and West were winding down after the Peenemunde Crisis and the assasination of Vatjev, the UN was in fear that the crisis might start to heat up again, with Pugalarin in power at the Kremlin. the restart of activities at Peenemunde in East-Germany only added gasoline on the dieing fire.

in a secret meeting at the NATO headquarters in Brussels, the CIA asked NATO for help as they planned to insert a team of CIA intel gathering teams over the East-German border. NATO allies were not to eager to penetrate Soviet occupied territories as the presence of NATO troops in the area could spark retaliatory attack against Europe.
in the end, the Netherlands were prepared to offer the insertation by helicopter.
the aircraft used for the insertation was the UH-60L Blackhawk. the aircraftwere painted in a dark blue scheme to reduce visibility by night.

on August 6 2023, 2 helicopters landed 10 kilometers within east-germany, succesfully dropping of the CIA operatives without being spotted on radar. the extraction a week later ended in a disaster, while on the ground, the helo's and the CIA teams came under attack by a pair of NVA-LSK MIG-29SMT's. one of the 2 blackhawks was destroyed on the ground, another managed to fly back to west-germany. dispite suffering heavy damage, it had managed to bring back the intel the CIA gathered at Peenemunde.

the operation was concidered a succes, as the information showed that the Russians were bringing in short- to medium-range ballistic missiles with a possible nuclear payload.
but the succes of the mission came at a cost, aside from lost RNLAF Blackhawk, the Dutch crews of the helo and 5 CIA agents lost they're lives.

when Moskou furiously asked what the NATO helicopter was doing on they're territory, the US waved it off saying the helicopter strayed of course and had to make an emergency landing, and that the other helicopter was there to retrieve the crew.

UH-60L Blackhawk, RNLAF, 300 squadron,
Gilze Rijen, The Netherlands.

the Royal Netherlands Air Force bought 6 Sikorsky UH-60L Blackhawks in 2016 to replace the 8 NH90-TNFH in the transport role, as these helicopters were transfered to naval amphibious operations, and to replace the Alouette III helicopters in the VIP transport role.
1 aircraft crashed and another was written off in an accident 10km inside East-Germany, both aircraft were replaced by new Blackhawks provided by the CIA via the US Army.

Model: Dragon/DML UH-60
Decals: spares box & DIY

Mig-29SMT Fulcrum, JBG-37, DDR-NVA Luftstreitkrafte
Drewitz, East-Germany.

in 2009, East Germany recieved 40 Mig-29SMT to replace the Mig-21 and Mig-23 in the ground attack role.
these were conciderably downgraded version but still attained the same avionics as those used by the Russian Air Force.

model: Academy 1/144 Mig-29 Fulcrum, modified with the nose of a revell F/A-18C/D
Decals: DIY

« Last Edit: October 13, 2013, 12:52:09 AM by nils »
on the bench:
-various models

on the drawing board:
-various 1/72 TinTin aircraft
-1/72 Eurocopter Tiger (Belgian Army)
-various other 1/72 and 1/144 aircraft

Offline Spey Phantom

  • 1/144 addict
  • the modeler formerly known as Nils.
Re: World War 3: Rise of the Dragon
« Reply #24 on: October 13, 2013, 01:21:10 AM »
chapter 4.1.1: spying on the North

just as the Americans were suspicious about increased Russian activity in Eastern Europe, there were also movements signaled in North-Korea.
after the first strikes against the DPRK a year earlier, the US and Allied Forces were having problems getting theyre foot on land as the communist regime of Kim Jong Un was better and more modern equiped the the US Inteligence department thought they were.

information was vital to the war effort, and inteligence was vital, but the UAV's the US sent over the country were suffering heavy losses as they were unable to defend themselves against DPRKAF aircraft and ground based air defences. on a daily basis, 3 out of 4 drones were shot down by enemy ground fire. mostly since the UAV's were easely detectable by radar and the fact they had limited mobility.

the awnser was to send out stealthy manned aircraft. and the US Navy started to modify a number of older F-117N's on site.
during one mission, on September 5 2023, an F-117N from VFA-31 "Tomcatters", took,of from the aircraft carrier USS George H.W Bush for a manned recconaisance flight over the Yongbyong Nuclear facility, as sattelite images failed to supply the right ammount of detail on the facility.

flying on high altitude, invisible to enemy radar, the F-117N's performed theyre mission with excelence, gatherng the information the US Forces needed to plan theyre missions on the facility. afterwards, the F-117N contineud to be used in the Recconaisance and ISR role.

from information gathered by the F-117N's, Army Inteligence determined that the reactor was indeed started up gain, and from what theyve seen on the gathered pictures, they were largly rebuild and modernised to a Chinese standard, proving that the PRC indeed had a hand in the North-Korean Nuclear program.

Lockheed F-117N Sea Goblin, US Navy VFA-31 "Tomcatters"
USS George H.W. Bush, based in the Sea of Japan.

the US Navy aquired the F-117N Sea Goblin, a carrier based version of the F-117A Stealth fighter, in 1992 to replace the A-7 Corsair II and the RA-5 Vigilante. to meet Navy requirements, the aircraft underwent some radical design changes, such as a stronger airframe, a more powerfull engines, redesigned wings and stabilizers, beefed up landinggear and a tailhook (retracted internally).
these changes made the F-117N more superious to the USAF version as it gave the aircraft more stability and better mobility, needed for Carrier based operations. in total, about 60 of the type were built. by 2023, the aircraft was outdated and was in progress of being replaced by the F/A-23C/D Sea Ghost.

Model: Revell 1/144 F-117A, modified with new scratchbuilt wings and tailplanes
Decals: revell F/A-18E Super Hornet.

on the bench:
-various models

on the drawing board:
-various 1/72 TinTin aircraft
-1/72 Eurocopter Tiger (Belgian Army)
-various other 1/72 and 1/144 aircraft