Modelling > SciFi & Fantasy

SF and Fantasy novels we have read and could recommend.......

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My pleasure.

Re such novels, I can recommend the Red Mars Trilogy by Kim Stanley Robinson:

Dan Simmons
Hyperion Cantos:
Hyperion, The Fall of Hyperion, Endymion, Endymion Rising

Ken MacLeod
Fall Revolution series:
The Star Fraction, The Stone Canal, The Cassini Division, The Star Road

Learning the World

I go with some classics:

Arthur C. Clarke - The City and The Stars

Ursula K. Le Guin - The Word for World is Forest

Two fantasy novels as opposed to SF I liked a lot (and laughed a lot!) were "Jhereg" and "The Phoenix Guards" by Steven Zoltan Brust.

Well, I can recommend just about everything Baen publishes by David Weber as well as Eric Flint, Tom Kratman, "Doc" Taylor, and Michael Z. WIlliamson (note, Michael Z. Williamson also has some thrillers about a US sniper from another publisher that are also good, but neither sf nor fantasy).  John Ringo is somewhat hit or miss, he's got some excellent stuff (love his Posel-verse and his collaborations with Weber) but some of it doesn't do anything for me; in person he's a good guy, though.


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