General Category > Kits for Sale/Swap

1/48 Kits and Bits House Cleaning - Free - Just pay for shipping


The Big Gimper:

Looking for good home(s) are my 1/48 scale left overs.

None of the kits are complete. I have scrounged bits and pieces for future scale-o-rama projects. For example I took the AAM missiles from TA-183, drop tanks, elevators, burner cans, nose gear from the F-101, some missiles are missing, F-5 is mostly there.

Take all, take one. First come, first serve.

I'm in Ontario, Canada.  Packaging will be cardboard box with bubble wrap. Ask, Jeffry, I don't scrimp on the bubble wrap.

EDIT: F-5 and the Missiles have been adopted.

EDIT #2: Ta-183 has been adopted.


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