Modelling > "Automatons on Parade" Uninhabited/autonomous vehicles GB

The Tech Manual

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Hi folks,

Here are the Rules of the "Automatons on Parade" Uninhabited/autonomous vehicles Group Build:

* Have Fun!!!
* As the name implies, the idea is to represent things that are computer controlled as opposed to human controlled.  This includes UAVs, UGVs, USVs, robots, self drive cars, optionally piloted vehicles, armed or unarmed etc - you get the point.  If need be ask me.  Both real world or whiff are welcomed and encouraged. Any medium - so physical models, Pixels/profiles and stories (and anything else if you can think of it) are all welcome.
* Creativity encouraged as is collaboration
* Duration is 1 Jan 2023 to 31 Mar 2023.  An extension may be granted, but only a short one and only if the Moderator (me) feels like it.  (Bribes welcomed on this front.)
* Physical creations and pixels/stories will be judged separately
* Any questions are to be directed to the Moderator (me again!)
* See rule 1


Looks interesting!
Ummmm, how did a rule#6 get in there?

Were things like the F6F drones computerized enough to qualify?

IIRC, there were earlier contraptions that could be controlled in the air, and even landed (rope or cable hanging beneath to detect proximity to ground? ).
Remote control Nazi tanks?


--- Quote from: Kerick on December 29, 2022, 05:15:01 AM ---Ummmm, how did a rule#6 get in there?

--- End quote ---

There has always been a Rule 6


--- Quote from: perttime on December 29, 2022, 01:35:29 PM ---Were things like the F6F drones computerized enough to qualify?

IIRC, there were earlier contraptions that could be controlled in the air, and even landed (rope or cable hanging beneath to detect proximity to ground? ).
Remote control Nazi tanks?

--- End quote ---

I would be happy to allow


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