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Land / Re: A few 1/35 IFV's and AFV's
« Last post by Ramba on Today at 09:06:57 PM »
The digital camo pattern template is here. I also painted the base sand color on the Hobby Boss ZTL-11 what if that I am going to use the template on. I used Vallejo Air 686 FS33446. It is for modern US armor. In the bottle, it looked too dark for modern US armor but once I airbrushed it on, it came out lighter than expected. It still looks a little too dark for modern US armor though so that is why I am using it on this what if. Anyway, the main gun barrel wasn't painted yet. I am going to paint it a different color, probably khaki. Hoping to try out the template sometime next week.

You can use the template to make your own masks from tape or you can tape the template directly to the model. I will probably be doing both.

Land / Re: Crew Served Weapons
« Last post by Story on Today at 09:04:26 PM »
Towed .50 Browning, no further information.  Any guesses on what the baseline trailer was?

I see what looks like the lower half of a 37mm shield, two 250 round ammo boxes and the Browning T&E device.

Looks too-too to be a jeep trailer.

Looks Bastogne-ish vintage, so if I was surmising the backstory it was fabricated based on the memory of someone old enough (in 1944) to remember this
This tripod was made in Baltimore, Md., by Crown Cork & Seal Co
Profiles and Pixels / Re: GLanini Profiles
« Last post by perttime on Today at 06:32:56 PM »
I have a soft spot for the Gripen, and was hoping that Gripen E would win the evaluation against the F-35. Didn't happen....

The Gripen couldn't have the serial starting with MG. The letters denote the aircraft type. MG was already used by MiG-21 F and BIS models. Perhaps "GP".
Profiles and Pixels / Re: GLanini Profiles
« Last post by Glanini on Today at 06:07:10 PM »
Some Finnish Gripens
Swords to Plowshares GB / Re: Swords to Plowshares Inspiration Thread
« Last post by Old Wombat on Today at 05:13:25 PM »
Looks like something designed to fight Godzilla

It does. And I don't fancy Gojira's chances here  :o

Such violent thoughts! :o

How could you imply something so evil of a humble fire-fighting appliance! ???
Aero-space / USAF A-37B Dragonfly
« Last post by ScranJ51 on Today at 10:10:29 AM »
USAF A-37B operated by the 8th SOS, Bien Hoa, Vietnam:

A37B-3 by David Freeman, on Flickr

A37B-2 by David Freeman, on Flickr

A37B-1 by David Freeman, on Flickr
Aero-space / Actual and a Hypothetical
« Last post by ScranJ51 on Today at 10:06:35 AM »
The actual is this Pakistani JF-17 Fighter:

JF17-2 by David Freeman, on Flickr

JF17-1 by David Freeman, on Flickr

Jointly developed by Chengdu Aircraft Industries in China and the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex.  Pakistan call the aircraft the JF-17 Thunder and have 275 on order.  The Peoples Liberation Army Air Force call the aircraft the FC-1 Fierce Dragon.

The theoretical is an FC-1 operated by the 1st Fighter Squadron of the 1st Mixed Aviation Regiment, Ethiopean Air Force:

FC1-2 by David Freeman, on Flickr

FC1-1 by David Freeman, on Flickr

In December 1998 Ethiopia ordered 6 Su-27SKs and 2 Su-27UBK's.  In 1999 these Su-27SK's (piloted by Russian military advisers) destroyed 5 and damaged 2 more Etitrean Mig-29s without loss. In 2002 Ethiopia ordered 7 more SU-27UK's but by 2020 found the on-going cost of operating these aircraft crippling.  Always keen to gain influence on Africa, China offered 14 FC-1 aircraft at no cost to replace the SU-27's, and also contributes substantially to the operating costs.
Land / Re: A few 1/35 IFV's and AFV's
« Last post by Ramba on Today at 08:08:36 AM »
That green looks great! The real life color seems to fade to a lighter shade - at least in direct sunlight.

Thanks! The Mission Models green isn't as bright as in my photos. I actually lightened the photos in Photoshop adjusting the shadows and highlights just a little for a clearer view. It is a duller green but hard to photograph correctly. I would have to use long exposure on manual settings with the tripod in natural light.

One thing I noticed with the Mission Models paint, it rubs off easily with the slightest of touches so you need to put a clear coat on to handle the model. Even after drying for a couple days, it still rubs off easily. I will wait another couple days then put a clear coat on and see how that affects the color.
Aero-space / Re: XB-51, B-51, EB-51, etc...
« Last post by raafif on Today at 06:17:12 AM »
sometimes you can't beat the original.

Tho adding outboard missiles is too much.
Land / Re: BISON APC, Canada, 1:35, conversion
« Last post by apophenia on Today at 03:55:50 AM »
Looking at those makes me wonder about an articulated 10 x 10 vehicle using a standard 6 x 6 version attached to a 4 x 4 constructed from the rear part.

Or reverse that arrangement for an articulated 10x10? So, the forward 4x4 component houses the vehicle crew and engine/transmission. The rear 6x6 component is effectively empty - for use by dismounts or for armament or honkin' huge radar system, etc.
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