Modelling > Tips, Tools & Techniques

Cutting circles in plastic

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I generally use 1.2mm stock plastic for construction work such as hull sections. I've found that my circle cutters flat out refuse to make an impact on plastic that thick which leads to some undesirable outcomes such as ragged hatches that I have to cover up or fill in.

Does anyone have any nifty tricks on cutting these holes neatly or should I just 'gitgud' as the young fellers are apt to say?

Jeffry Fontaine:
What kind of device are you using to create your circles? 

Not many things can cut through on one pass and usually require that you keep at it for more than a single evolution to get the cut deep enough to then break it out or cut all the way through. 

I’ve used an exacto blade in a drafting compass for larger circles. You have to rotate it around several times to scribe all the way through. Depends on the thickness of course.

It appears that my compasses are too cheap, I guess I'll have to lash out and buy some proper ones then.
As that guy on the net said; 'buy cheap, buy twice'

I can’t get much under 2cm with the drafting compass. Smaller than I might suggest a punch and die set. Especially if you are going to use it frequently. This link is just an example.


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