Modelling > 2013 "Clear Your Workbench" GB

Projects of the YoKai...

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Dr. YoKai:
In at the wire - Hey, Where did the wire go?!? ( And happy thanks for the extension. )
I don't lack for unfinished projects, but decided to concentrate on three that had been started within the last three or four years.
Heading the list is the ADR (Air Defense Robot) 06C , a scale-o-rama'd 1/100 ADR 04 from the old Macross anime'. I started turning it into a 1/48 scale Flakmech a year or so back, but stalled when I realized i would have to fabricate new calves for it.
This was where I started, more or less -

and this is where I have gotten to -

Final images will appear in the 'finished' thread, hopefully by this weekend.

As I continue to build the ships and devices of the notorious Science Pirate Syndicate, I realized I was lacking in 'good guys',
so started work on a Royal Navy torpedo ram, the HMS Brontes ( folks familiar with RN ships of the late 19th century will get the
reference ) which started as the forward fuselage of a Cosmo Zero, and the aft fuselage of the Cosmo Tiger fighter, both from
'Space Cruiser Yamoto'. THe front end of the Cosmo Zed just screams to be turned into an ironclad ram of some kind. The
main cntral deck house came from a combination of an old 1/144 Catalina, perched atop a cut-down sail from the Revell 'Red October' SSBN. Lots of psr followed, and I still wasn't quite happy with it, so as November rolled around, I looked at  it again, and
decided what it really needed was to be turned in to the mysterious and elusive H.G.* Maxim's "First Duck of War...

Progress on this one has been steady as well, and I have the base coat of paint. Encouraged by a new compressor from the wife for
Christmas, I should have her natty three-tone paint scheme well under way by Thursday or Friday.

Finally, a project that I am sure will have plenty of frustration in store for me yet, the Ju 488 I started for a GB over at 'What If'
sometime back. I had two Italaeri 188s and a Special Hooby 388 as the donors, but lost some nerve before satrting on the wings.
That hurdle has been overcome.

The most...probelmatic part of the build has been the quality of the older Italaeri plastic. One kit was in a light grey that worked
just fine, but the other was in a kind of green-grey that tended to fracture at the slightest flexing. I finally cut away the balky rear
fuselage and repalced it with the after fuselage from the 388 - not quite as good a match for contours, but thats why Vulcan made power sanders.

Still undecided about the final form - I have faked up a pair of HS 294s for an anti-shipping strike version, but also have a pair of
Condor 'Enzians' to hang on the wings for a very long range Nightfighter. It will also wind up with a 588 designation, possibly even
a Japanese scheme, as the backstory gets a bit...peculiar. ( It will also have a single tail from a Ju 352 - the ancient Airmodel/Frankmodel vac kit I have been toting around since High School. )

*Hermione Gazette -'mysterious and elusive because I only created the character a few days ago. Every bit the equal of Aunt Sekrit
 ( and her brother Hiram. for that matter ) in inventive genius, she nonetheless never appeared on the front pages of The Times,
but would occasionally appear on page three...

Loving all of these! :)

This is great to see! All of these deserve to be finished. the Junkers is ambitous!  :)

Dr. YoKai:
Progess on all three, pictures of the Brontes first, the other two tomorrow.

Basic Paint. This may be re-done. Its been awhile since I did any airrrrbrushing,
and my masking was only so-so. Still, this the final scheme, modeled on RN
practice during the 1880s.

Wing, aft deckhouse.
Not ready to tack it in place just yet, but I'll do that before I add the control
wires & whatnot. The deckhouse will get cranes for a couple of small torpedo
lauches, nicked from the 1/350 Kniaz Suvarov kit.

Teeny Steam Plant
These will drive a pair of large, Maxim style two-bladed props forward of the
wings. For more insight into some of the inspiration for the design, google Maxim Flying Machine & HMS Polyphemus, if you're so inclined.

 A bit more by Sunday, I hope.

Dr. YoKai:
 I found an earlier build image of the Brontes, but first, the 588

 Its coming along fairly nicely - I'm debating whether to try and give the outer wing panels the
 dihedral shown in the line drawings, and replacing the tailplanes with modified outer wing panels
 from the other 188.

and here's what the Brontes looked like back in April.


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