Modelling > Scenarios

How to justify getting as much gear as possible into Australian service

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As promised the British "ethos" of war, 1918 and beyond.  See attached document.

Interesting Volkodav, and my appologies for not seeing this more relevant to the time you posted it. But better late than never.....

--- Quote ---'Less selective (White Australia) immigration policies post-WWI'

- Old Wombat
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Agree! Bloody Billy Hughes 😡
Might also equate to the Japs not resenting us so much.

--- Quote ---'Although how you change Australia's racism of the period I don't know.'

- Old Wombat
--- End quote ---

Guy, I'mm still asking that in 2020 ! 😞

--- Quote ---'Another boost would be the adoption of the "value adding" industrial base of the country by implementing some of the recommendations of the above mentioned reports & by removing the blinkered "primary producer" mentality of Australian government & business leaders. This would add a need for more skilled & unskilled migrants to fill the factories & support industries. Although, for the purposes of international exports being profitable, the unions may have to take a bit of a hit.'
--- End quote ---

Agree 100%
I not long ago heard a great program on ABC Radio Nation, which spoke in depth about Australian manufacturing and Tariffs...the academic contributers literally said no matter how much warning and allowance consecutive governments have to Australian industry, come hell or high water, Australian industry couldn't and wouldn't organise itself out of a wet paper bag.

As for the Trade Unions, perhaps if industry lifted it's game and willingly evolved, the Trade Unions might have more freely evolved. Failing this, perhaps Australia, after cutting it so fine with with an invasion attempt, might have seriously seen more productive merit in adopting a more fairer and ethical Codetermination-type arrangement between business and Trade Unions! I have no doubt what so ever that Australia would benifit from this more bipartisan as opposed to partisan approach to Industrial Relations!!

--- Quote ---'Having Australian Aboriginals in large numbers in uniform being seen fighting would also have an effect.'

- Volkodav
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Yes indeed. I was attached to NORFORCE on various occasions, very very impressed with their combination of soldiering and knowlage of country - give them a greater direct combat role and formation - maybe the establishment of Aboriginal Selous Scouts.
Create a Ghurkhas type arrangement of generational recruiting with proud worrier traditions (shit, that would piss off Conservative's!!).

--- Quote ---'but when you have enough grateful veterans and civilian survivors that will drown out the racists.'

- Volkodav
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One could only hope Volkodav!!

--- Quote ---'Yikes!  You do realise that you're going to run up against the Corps mafia if you attempt that?'

- Rickshaw
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Amen to that brother

--- Quote ---'Together they push the line that each Rifle Battalion should have organic tank destroyers, SP mortars and field guns and armoured scouts without making the leap to making the entire btn mobile.'

- Volkodav
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I'm hearing you Volkodav. Maybe, as I've done in my http://[i]Alternative ADF OTBAT[/i], they adopt a South African Army-type of warfighting, using lighter, long-range hit and run type tactics and formations.....Would be cheaper to both purchase and operate....

P.S. in terms of population concerns and the ability to form a effective ADF, this could just mean that Australian governance, industry, economy and the ADF has to work smarter and harder; the ADF being under no illusion that it's Operational Requirements/Request for Proposals must be sensible and realistic, for what they select they (the Army, Navy, Air Force) will be 110% accountable, without a second bite of the cherry, no compensation and defiantly no barley's - eg no Seasprite, no F-35, no Collins class, no Eurocopter Tiger, no M113AS4 sagas....

Again, I'm sorry for the seven year delay in response and participation


Wow this is an old one, pre cancer and opiate inspired rants.


--- Quote from: Volkodav on August 23, 2020, 08:24:49 PM ---Wow this is an old one, pre cancer and opiate inspired rants.

--- End quote ---

Kudos to you in that case Volkodav
Hope you are doing well



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