Modelling > Pirate GB

Air Pirates 1930-1955 - Air to sea Pirates

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JP Vieira:
The New Pirates 1930

Following the Great depression, the world emerged as a very different place.
Central authority was weakened in some places and in other strengthened.
Some countries were divided in a myriad of small political entities and other countries were agglomerated in true empires.
The breakdown of authority made many places unsafe for land trade and transportation; the result was an increase of air activity.
Air vehicles of all kinds (from balloons, to dirigibles and airplanes) started to take on many of the tasks and roles performed early by land vehicles.
With the breakdown of law in many places and the disregard of international treaties and obligations (even by the major political entities), the stage was set for the advent of all type of forms of “gaining” commodities and money.
With the “move up” of transportation and with the breakdown of law, one of the consequences of these changes was the recrudescence of piracy, namely air piracy
One new aspect of these new pirates, compared to their 16th to 18th century counterparts was logically the use of new “tools”, foremost the airplane and all kind of modern vehicles and weapons.
Air Piracy was both a private and a “state” (whatever the size and legitimacy of these “states”) sponsored and practiced activity.
Although the new pirates used new technologies, their overall presentation and tactics remained much the same as their forerunners of earlier centuries.
 To be continued...

JP Vieira:
Air to sea Pirates

Although the new era of piracy brought about a new form of piracy (air to air piracy) other forms of piracy still existed.
One of those was the so called air-to-sea piracy in which pirates used flying machines to predate on the sea lanes.
Usually the air to sea pirates used a long-range and armed flying-boat to locate and then attack commercial ships.
The flying boat then landed near the disable commercial vessel and initiated the risky boarding.
After taking over the boat, the air pirates either navigate away the commercial ship or transfer their cargo to their own ships, aircraft or even other machines (like ekranoplanes) and made a swift departure.

Here we see one of those flying boats performing a pass over the commercial boat after some gun strafing.

Brian da Basher:
Woah that's wicked!

Brian da Basher

Arrr!! It does me peg leg good to be see'n such fine tales of debauchery...

JP Vieira:
Arrr, be much obliged, sires
From thy sayings, yer’re surely cultivated gentlemen appreciatin' th' fine arts.
Be sure t' expect more stories o' debauchery and horror accompanyin' by th' proper drawings.

Now, fast to th' devilish machine called computerr to produce new debaucherie stories 'n paintin's. Arrr


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