Modelling > Land

Zebu Land Cruiser built by Stefan Schneider (28mm Antenocitis Workshop kit)


Jeffry Fontaine:
A very interesting looking little SUV/ATV from Antenocitis Workshop (28mm) Zebu Land Cruiser built by Stefan Schneider that has been uploaded to Modellversium/ today.  The scale is not quite 1/72nd (which would be 25mm) scale but is certainly close enough that most folks would not find this an issue.   Click on the image or text to view article. 

(Image source: Modellversium/Stfan Schneider)

I am not that well versed on game pieces or game figures so this little model came as a pleasant surprise when I found it this morning while cruising the other forums.  If anyone can fill in the details on what game this vehicle is intended for I would appreciate it.  In the meantime, click on the link and take a look at the other images of Stefan's model. 

Interesting look.  Has an invite been sent?


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