Author Topic: Re: Templar Phantom III vs Sarracen Tabarzin. An Study for an Aerial Crusade  (Read 3468 times)

Offline ysi_maniac

  • I will die understanding not this world

BTW: How would you name the sarracen plane? Scimitar? Cutlass? Kilij? ...?

Update: TABARZIN is the new name. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
« Last Edit: June 03, 2020, 06:50:08 AM by ysi_maniac »

Offline Buzzbomb

  • Low Concentration Span, oft wanders betwixt projects
  • Accurate Scale representations of fictional stuff
    • Club and my stuff site
Well that is a very interesting take of things.
Both are very nice profiles

Offline FAAMAN

  • 'bin building for years ....... and it feels it!
  • Always thought of himself as a 'straight' modeller
How about "tabarzin" or in English, "Saddle Axe" as carried by the Mamluks knights. They weren't exactly knights but they were the closest to what a knight was in Islamic armies including a code of chivalry called "Furusiyya"
Cool profiles BTW  8) 8)
"Resistance is useless, prepare to be assembled!"

Offline ysi_maniac

  • I will die understanding not this world
« Last Edit: June 02, 2020, 08:14:56 AM by ysi_maniac »

Offline Camthalion

  • The man has done a pink tank...need we say more?!
looks cool

Offline FAAMAN

  • 'bin building for years ....... and it feels it!
  • Always thought of himself as a 'straight' modeller
That's a very cool name YSI_maniac  ;) ;) ;)
"Resistance is useless, prepare to be assembled!"