Author Topic: WZ551 Gun Boat  (Read 4680 times)

Offline finsrin

  • The Dr Frankenstein of the modelling world...when not hiding from SBA
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WZ551 Gun Boat
« on: November 19, 2021, 08:14:10 PM »
Some couple or more year ago Jeff gave me 1/35 WZ551 hulls.   He used wheels, turrets, etc.   Happened upon them and peaked my 1/72 interest.   Cut bottom hull half in half to start water line gun boat.   Is 45 feet long by 18.75 feet wide.   Found that 1/72 Abrams turret fits well in size and matching style to hull.   Be like waterborne tank for archipelago use.   Low profile and relatively slow.   Turret is also bridge.   Simpler compared to my other builds (liking that).   Picture shows turret mount ring cut out of M1.   Easy fit on WZ551.   
Third picture shows background out of focus bridge for Oregon gun boat.   Update on that soon.

  see attachments
« Last Edit: November 19, 2021, 08:43:13 PM by finsrin »

Offline japsubshunter

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Re: WZ551 Gun Boat
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2022, 02:52:15 PM »
Super Concept - Did you ever finish this beauty ?

Offline finsrin

  • The Dr Frankenstein of the modelling world...when not hiding from SBA
  • Finds part glues it on, finds part glues it on....
Re: WZ551 Gun Boat
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2022, 04:43:10 PM »
Thanks for asking.   NO  --  Still sitting here waiting for me to finish it.  No progress since pictures.
Some progress on USS Oregon gun boat.

Mostly doing 1/1 car builds-repairs, cleaning up decades accumulated outdoor clutter while weather is good, resisting transit Nazis from seizing property, a few other issues.
Actually looking forward to rainy season to build models.   Lot of kitbash wanna builds plus ~12 x ~22 ft diorama to build to place models in.