Author Topic: Not real, but not quite whiffy - Meng's SD Lexington OOB!  (Read 2828 times)

Offline Faust

  • The man from the Sprue Lagoon...a natural here!
    • The Sprue Lagoon
Not real, but not quite whiffy - Meng's SD Lexington OOB!
« on: March 01, 2018, 08:31:37 AM »
One thing I’ve noticed as I continue in this great hobby, is that the longer I build, the more varied the subject matter I’m attracted to becomes. When I started, it was fast Vietnam-era or newer jets only. Then there was some WWII, then Gundams came along, then any weird plane, then cars, submarines and most recently tanks.  However, one thing I’ve never been, and doubted I ever would be, interested in was surface ships.

This is nothing against surface ship kits; I know there are many excellent ones. However, I just don’t like ships much, and I don’t find them too interesting on a personal level. I’d rather build a loser car or some obscure failure of a plane  than a ship. Well, that was until now.

Thanks to Meng, I have been sucked into the world of surface vessels. However, I’ve not gone easily into that dark night. Oh no. “What do you mean?” you ask. Well, the first surface ship I’m ever going to review, and in fact (likely) build is the Meng Warship Builder Lexington (CV-2). What makes it right up my alley, though, is that it’s an SD (Super Deformed) carrier, or “egg boat”.

It was so off the wall that I had to pick it up. Check out this weirdo of a kit at the link below. I think it’ll be a scream!