Modelling > 2019 Clear your workbench GB

T-51XT Sentinel (Trainer)

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John Howling Mouse:
Alright, I know: it's been, like, over a decade.  Half the people on this forum have never heard of me.  Those that have are already chuckling just a bit, ready to roast me with well-deserved comments like: "Bro, do you even (work) bench?"  "Do you still remember which side of a tube of glue is which?"  "Just how strong IS your eyeglass prescription these days?" etc.

Okay, throwing my T-51XT Sentinel build into the mix.  This was a beloved Monogram 1:48 P-51 Mustang mod'd with a lengthened cowl and nosegear, extended aft fuselage, etc. into a turbo-t-tailed-trainer.  At least, I think that was what it was called back then.  Back in the early 2000s, it was coming along nicely, only to get stalled at the canopy-making stage.  I have vacuum-forming machines so I have no excuse...just a pronounced lack of guts.

Anyhow, here's where it was left off.  Where are those parts again?  Now, let's see if I can even remember how to link or upload an image to this forum...

John Howling Mouse:
Yes, it has a scratch-bashed two-seater cockpit under that masking tape:

Jeffry Fontaine:
I remember this project from back when you first started it over at WhatIfModelers.  Still going with the tricycle configuration with nose gear which is good to see.

Wow, that is some serious cockpit detail !


Old Wombat:
You forgot "John Who?" ???

Good to see a Master Modeller back in the (bench) seat! :smiley:


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