Current and Finished Projects > Other

1/35 Diorama Base

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--- Quote from: Old Wombat on September 21, 2019, 07:37:01 AM ---Doesn't look crappy to me, far from it. :smiley:

--- End quote ---

Thanks! Greatly appreciate your comments.

I just realized I forgot the air filter on one side of the gas mask so just added that. I also painted the flamethrower and attached it. I also attached the conduit for the gas feed line. It is a 1mm OD conduit that is stretchy. Black Dog included a resin feed line but it came snapped in the box so I just replaced it with the conduit. It is made for Tamiya racing RC cars.

Added a shark mouth to the flamethrower. Finally weathered the brick wall too. I just need to weather the figures and flat coat them.

Old Wombat:
That shark's mouth's a very cool touch! 8) ;D


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