Author Topic: Операции черный волк  (Read 6657 times)

Offline GTX_Admin

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Операции черный волк
« on: August 05, 2012, 06:19:20 AM »
Операции черный волк

In early July 2012, during the 64th annual meeting of the International Whaling Commission (IWC) in Panama City, the South Korean government shocked the world by announcing a resumption of whaling...for scientific purposes.  The South Korean Government cited the country's long-standing culinary culture of eating whale meat, and a need to conduct more in-depth scientific research on whales.

The response to this announcement was instantaneous with countries such as Australia, New Zealand and the USA leading the condemnation.  Unfortunately though, the louder their outcries were, the stronger the South Korean resolve became.  In a show of solidarity, the Japanese Government announced their support of the South Korean plan and indeed even invited South Korean observers to join the next Japanese Scientific Whaling Expedition to the Southern Ocean.

Notably quiet during this period was the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (SSCS).  The organisation itself was in a difficult position as their leader, Paul Watson, was currently under arrest in Germany having been detained in May the same year after he arrived at the Frankfurt Airport based on a request from the government of Costa Rica.  In light of this, all the SSCS could do was release a statement saying that they were “...considering their options.”

Enter the Russian

At the same time as this was occurring, other developments were afoot.  Russian President Vladimir Putin was visiting the Kamchatka Peninsula when the South Korean decision was announced.  Long known or his support of Environment causes, most notably The White Whale Program, Putin quickly released a statement also condemning the South Korean decision.

Privately, Putin was furious with the decision and adamant to know what could be done to reverse it.  It was soon decided that concurrent with other nations, the Russian Federation would continue to decry the decision and put pressure on South Korea to reverse their position.  This included the collection of petitions signed by thousands or Russian citizens.

Privately, though, Putin did not believe this would achieve anything.  He was also a man of action and believed that only direct action would force the South Koreans...and indeed the Japanese.  As a result, he also directed the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSB) to start developing an alternate, “Black” plan for more direct, although entirely deniable action.  This plan would soon become known as Operation Black Wolf (Операции черный волк).

Операции черный волк

Whilst Operation Black Wolf was being formulated, the German Courts stunned the world by convicting Paul Watson of Attempted Murder and of Violating Navigational Regulations.  The charges stemmed from an altercation in 2002 during which Sea Shepherd contended that the other vessel was shark finning in Guatemalan waters. Members of the other involved ship said that Sea Shepherd was trying to kill them.  Interestingly, their claim was sponsored by the Japanese Institute of Cetacean Research.

Following this decision, Sea Shepherd was in disarray.  Their board released a statement that they would appeal the judgement and would also be considering other options.  This played right into the hands of those planning Operation Black Wolf...

In October 2012, the options for Operation Black Wolf were presented to Putin.  These ranged from providing logistics support to organisations such as Sea Shepherd right through to the covert use of FSB agents to sabotage South Korean and Japanese whaling vessels and related.  Most extreme of all was a proposal to use Russian Navy Vessels to actively prevent Whaling activities.  Putin quickly jumped upon the last option declaring that he wanted to end the Whaling once and for all and that this would be the way!  He did however want some measure of matter how small.

Koni and Buffy

Over the next few months, a number of covert approaches were made to various members of Sea Shepherd.  This was largely aimed at finding out which individuals were actually dedicated to their cause as opposed to those ‘hanger-ons’.  The FSB were really trying to find those hardcore, though rational  Sea Shepherd members who might be able to be used as part of Operation Black Wolf.  Eventually they found a number.  These people were soon flown to Russia and incorporated into the over operation.  They were for the most part excited to know that finally they might have a country willing to take direct, albeit it covert action to stop the whaling.  Over the next 12 months they would undergo intensive training with the Russians.  Meanwhile the whaling continued...

Come 2013, in the early hours of one October morning, everything was ready.  Separately slipping out unannounced from the ports at Vladivostok and Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky were two Project 636 Varshavyanka (Improved Kilo) class submarines.  These were renamed named “Koni” and “Buffy” by their crews in reference to Vladimir Putin’s pet dogs.  Most prominent though was the large Sea Shepard markings each carried on the sides of their conning towers!

Koni seen briefly on the surface - photo source unknown

Buffy in port prior to sailing - crew photo

Operations Commence

In November 2013 the first South Korean ‘Scientific’ Whaling Vessels left port.  They were due to start whaling in coastal waters around Korea.  Meanwhile, to the East, Japan’s own Whaling fleet also departed.  They however were navigating much further South towards the Southern Ocean and Antarctica.   Little did they realise that there were two Black Wolves lying in wait...

The first to strike was Buffy.  After tracking the South Korean vessel for 3 hrs the crew decided to strike as soon as the ship started pursuit of a pack of Minke whales.  Suddenly without warning, two torpedoes struck.  the crew of the whaling ship did not stand a chance as the ship was struck amidships.  There wasn’t even a chance to send a distress message as the ship sunk in a matter of seconds.  It would be hours before it was even noticed as missing and even then there was no speculation that foul play might have been at hand.

Further South, the Japanese fleet were also being tracked.  For now though, the crew of the Koni did nothing more then track.

Two days later though, things would take a dramatic change.  At dawn, one of the Japanese ships changed course to pursue a small pack of Minke whales.  As they approached the whales the crew of the Koni struck.  Once again, a pair of torpedoes was launched, and once again the results were deadly.  This time however, one of the crew managed to survive.  An hour later he was discovered quite by accident when another Japanese ship decided to investigate why its compatriot wasn’t returning calls.  Found floating amongst the flotsam of his ship, the Japanese sailor could only recall that the ship suddenly exploded without warning...he was thrown overboard and didn’t know anything else.  It was speculated that an engine malfunction might have resulted in an explosion though no-one could say for sure.  Moreover, because it had sunk in very deep water, it would take a major effort to recover more wreckage or to investigate further.

Following this action though, the Koni had to disengage with the rest of the Japanese ships.  Due to mechanical problems (as well as a desire to remain covert), it was decided to return to port before any suspicions were raised.

Further North, the crew of the Buffy still had one more action to play though.  Quietly patrolling, they had soon come across another South Korean whaling vessel.  This time the ship had already managed to harpoon a whale and was in the process of bringing its carcass aboard for ‘scientific processing’.  Incensed at this, the Sea Shepherd members aboard the Buffy insisted the Russian crew take action.  Within minutes another pair of torpedoes were on their way.  In this case however only one struck.  Never-the-less, it was enough and the South Korean ship was soon slipping below the waves, taking with it over half the crew.  This time though the survivors, including the captain were able to report that they had indeed witnessed a pair of torpedo tracks immediately before being struck.


Over the weeks that followed, South Korean Navy remote submersibles were used to investigate the sunken wreckage.  The results of their investigation were soon broadcast to the world.  The verdict from the South Koreans was that the North Koreans were responsible...something that was vehemently denied by the North.  Little did the world know that this time the North Koreans were telling the truth.

Immediately after this action, the Buffy too decided to return to port.  So far the Black Wold Operation was running according to plan.  In fact, its raison d'être was soon proven as in December, the South Korean Govt declared that they were reversing their decision to commence whaling since the costs were prohibitive.  In a bar in Vladivostok, the crews of two Russian submarines celebrated...and quietly planned for the next round of operations...
All hail the God of Frustration!!!

You can't outrun Death forever.
But you can make the Bastard work for it.

Offline Cliffy B

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Re: Операции черный волк
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2012, 10:22:25 AM »
Oh God...can you imagine what would happen if they really got their hands on a Kilo and a competent crew to sail her?!  Of course you can, you just did  ;D

*shudders*  Man you're story is scary.  Nicely done!
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Offline apophenia

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Re: Операции черный волк
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2012, 10:59:47 AM »
Man you're story is scary.

Especially to potential whalers  :)  Great storyline!
"It happens sometimes. People just explode. Natural causes." - Agent Rogersz

Offline GTX_Admin

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Re: Операции черный волк
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2012, 02:47:32 PM »
Man you're story is scary.  Nicely done!

Mission accomplished. 
All hail the God of Frustration!!!

You can't outrun Death forever.
But you can make the Bastard work for it.

Offline Brian da Basher

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Re: Операции черный волк
« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2012, 03:51:54 PM »
Now that's a gripping tale!

Well done, Mr GTX!

Brian da Basher

Offline GTX_Admin

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Re: Операции черный волк
« Reply #5 on: August 16, 2012, 05:36:42 PM »
Eventually a kit will be built to match this story...
All hail the God of Frustration!!!

You can't outrun Death forever.
But you can make the Bastard work for it.

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Re: Операции черный волк
« Reply #6 on: August 16, 2012, 11:06:13 PM »
 :)  Another great story!  :)
Jeff G.