Author Topic: Logan Hartke's "The Geriatric Air Force - Slightly Used"- 2010 AND 2020 Editions  (Read 6696 times)

Offline dy031101

  • Yuri Fanboy and making cute stuff practical- at least that's the plan anyway
  • Prefers Guns And Tanks Over Swords And Magic
First, I'm not entirely sure where this topic should go (I post it here because the premise is essentially free from global politics- the fictional country is friendly to every country in the world except for its neighbours).  Maybe I should have posted it in "Other" or "Scenarios".  If that's the case, Admin, please help me moving it.  Thank you.

Now on with the content.

The original rules from the original author:

Quote from: Logan Hartke on February 08, 2015, 06:06:23 PM
Okay, so you the new defense minister of a reasonably wealthy country that once had a very large and very well-equipped military.  Organized and trained by some of the worst of Hitler's ex-cronies your country's military leadership ran the country in a brutal but effective junta and started a major build-up post-WWII with the latest in military hardware.  In the 1960s, the junta launched a devastating war of aggression against its neighbors, aimed at securing more resources and expanding its borders.  Your country's leadership waited until the US was thoroughly distracted by Vietnam and the USSR was dealing with Czechoslovakia and your military lashed out, quickly gaining ground winning a string of military victories, all in the name of nationalism.  It wasn't long, however, before all arms imports were embargoed to your country and soon, even non-military supplies as well.  The offensive ground to a halt and your neighbors, spurred on by new arms purchases of their own, quickly pushed your army back.  In a matter of months, your country's army had inflicted grievous losses on the enemy but were pushed back to a last-stand at the capital where the last vestiges of a once-proud army were wiped out

The victims of your countries aggression soon returned the favor.  The occupation became brutal to the point where the UN intervened to prevent further abuses.  A multi-national UN force was soon created to occupy your country and protect your countrymen from your vengeful neighbors.  As the aggressor, the terms visited upon your country following the war and signed off on by a puppet government were not kind.  No air force or navy of any kind was to be allowed for the next 40 years.  Only a coast guard and gendarmerie would be allowed until January 1, 2010 and they were allowed to have no aircraft, no tanks, and no missiles, rockets, or artillery with a range greater than 10km.  They were also not allowed any armed helicopters, submarines, or ships over 1000 tonnes (empty).  Finally, your nation's military would be forced to abide by certain other restrictions after 2010.  In what was called the 40/20 Rule, your air force would not be allowed to operate any aircraft TYPE that had its first flight after January 1, 1970 (the date the treaty went into action) or that was still in production on January 1, 1990.  In other words, no aircraft types that were first flown less than 40 years ago or were still being built 20 years ago.  These dates would only roll forward every 10 years, so--for example--the F-14 would not be an option until 2020.  Likewise. your army could operate no armored vehicle types produced within the past 20 years, and your navy could not operate any ship launched within the past 30 years.  Finally, no member of your armed forces prior to 1970 would be allowed to ever serve your nation's military forces again.

The UN, concerned with these terms and wary of the result of the treaty of Versailles exactly 50 years early, did its best to help encourage a democratic government, rebuild your shattered infrastructure, and setup a UN-organized defense force for your country until 2010.  In return, your country established positive relations with much of the world and your gendarmes became renowned around the world for their professionalism on UN missions around the world.  The UN imported security into your country and you exported peace.

Unfortunately, the goodwill shown by much of world to your country in the four decades after the devastating war your nation started only poured salt into the wounds of your neighbors.  Unrestricted, they constantly built up their armed forces, waiting for the day the UN would leave your nation and they could exact their revenge.  Their rhetoric of revenge and retribution made them political pariahs, but their money and spending habits made them arms expo gold mines.  The world may have condemned their blood lust, but that didn't mean they wouldn't sell them all the latest and greatest arms money could buy.


So, January 1, 2010 is right around the corner and on that date you can start rebuilding your armed forces.  With the rules below, what do your armed forces look like?

Rules from 1970 Treaty:

1. No aircraft or helicopter types that first flew after January 1st, 1970
2. No aircraft or helicopter types that were still in serial production anytime after January 1st, 1990*
3. No combat aircraft with an empty weight greater than 50,000 kg
4. No armored vehicle types that were still in serial production anytime after January 1st, 1990*
5. No ships launched after January 1st, 1980

Alternate timeline rules:

6. You can upgrade as much as you like
7. Major airframe/chassis/hull modifications (new wings/hull/engines) limited to actual or proposed upgrades
8. Number of aircraft/vehicles/ships limited to actual numbers built
9. Assume equipment has been stored since it was decommissioned or that it will be decommission and transferred to your country on January 1st, 2010

* - We'll be lenient here.  No aircraft or vehicles with major production after January 1st, 1990.  Limited production (S-64 Skycrane, for example) or aircraft assembled from existing parts after 1990 won't disqualify the type, but don't assume you'll get the ones built after that date--you won't.

So, here’s a few examples of things that won’t work and why:

F-14 Tomcats (Rule #1)
C-130 Hercules (Rule #2)
Tu-95 (Rules #2 & #3)
M270 MLRS (Rule #4)
USS Stark (Rule #5)
Avro Vulcan w/ F119s (Rule #7)
Short Belfast (Rule #8)

I’ve seen a lot of the “make your own air force” but they always have the latest, greatest, top of the line stuff.  Here’s something that should honor those designs that were really good, but often get overlooked.

So, what would you equip your military with?  Post as few or as many examples as you like.  Do a whole military, just an air force, or just a single type that you think would really shine.



In addition to the 2010 category, since we are kinda close to Year 2019:

You know, under the rules proposed in the original post over 9(!) years ago...,26195.msg383094.html#msg383094
...a whole new group of equipment would become available on January 1st, 2020.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2018, 08:32:29 AM by dy031101 »
Forget about his bow and arrows- why wait until that sparrow has done his deed when I can just bury him right now 'cause I'm sick and tired of hearing why he wants to have his way with the cock robin!?

Offline Logan Hartke

  • High priest in the black arts of profiling...
  • Rivet-counting whiffer
Thanks, dy031101! I'll update the rules to make it a bit easier.

Updated Treaty Rules:

1. No aircraft or helicopter types that first flew after January 1st, 1980
2. No aircraft or helicopter types that were still in serial production anytime after January 1st, 2000
3. No combat aircraft with an empty weight greater than 50,000 kg
4. No armored vehicle types that were still in serial production anytime after January 1st, 2000
5. No ships launched after January 1st, 1990

Alternate timeline rules:

6. You can upgrade as much as you like
7. Major airframe/chassis/hull modifications (new wings/hull/engines) limited to actual or proposed upgrades
8. Number of aircraft/vehicles/ships limited to actual numbers built
9. Assume equipment has been stored since it was decommissioned or that it will be decommission and transferred to your country on January 1st, 2010

* - There's more modern options, so I think the arms control commission would be less lenient this time around.

So, the obvious one that I know people have been salivating over for some time is the F-14 Tomcat.

I've not the world's biggest F-14 fanboy, but I'd still be making it the backbone of my air force. Even so, there's some other great options out there in addition to the F-14. I don't want to steal anyone's thunder, though, so what are some of the gems you all would choose? There should be some decent late Cold War swag available.



Offline dy031101

  • Yuri Fanboy and making cute stuff practical- at least that's the plan anyway
  • Prefers Guns And Tanks Over Swords And Magic
How to build a squad
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2022, 03:30:51 PM »
Built from what came up during a previous discussion on this subject:

First, FV432 Mk.3 Bulldog and BTR-60 upgrade package from Saymar.  I actually would have liked a M230LF with twin Spike LR launcher box for the BTR-60, but I am not entirely certain when the chaingun was first trialed on a remote weapon station.  Infantry gears would probably be largely acquired, whether new or second-hand, from the US.

My sense of scale remains awful, so I began to wonder how I ought to build a squad for each type of transport.  The FV432 as an APC is said to carry 10 passengers, but I would prefer a gunner specifically for that Samson 30 Mk.1; the commander also won't be standing at their cupola on a regular basis and presumably would need their own console for the commander's sight on the RWS.  In fact, I also don't know where they sit when not manning their cupola.

The upgraded BTR-60 does away with the 14.5mm MG turret but originally added a pintle-mounted 12.7mm MG, presumably for the passengers.  With the use of remote-controlled MG, should its control simply be given to the vehicle's commander?

At any rate, I currently set each squad at six men, with platoon HQ having five (FV432) or six (BTR-60, adding a grenadier).  Granted my squad set up was based on a picture of German Panzergrenadier squad showing three riflemen, one automatic rifleman, one grenadier, and one AT operator.  Is that ideal?

Comments and suggestions welcomed (especially since I'm not an expert on organizations  :-\ ).  Thanks in advance.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2022, 04:05:28 PM by dy031101 »
Forget about his bow and arrows- why wait until that sparrow has done his deed when I can just bury him right now 'cause I'm sick and tired of hearing why he wants to have his way with the cock robin!?

Offline Volkodav

  • Counts rivits with his abacus...
  • Much older now...but procrastinating about it
I just realised, lots of cool Swedish stuff would count, Viggen, Draken, S Tank etc.

Having become a great global citizen they of course made friends with the Swedes who were able to cascade lots of treaty compliant equipment that was ideal for a nation surrounded by enemies.