Author Topic: Hobby's side trawler  (Read 3491 times)

Offline kpnuts

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Hobby's side trawler
« on: January 02, 2017, 01:02:38 AM »
Hi all it may be a while before I start this as I have a 1/8 corvette stingray coming and I'm entering it in a big scale gb so that will take priority.
Anyway I thought this looked like a great kit with loads of potential for improving it, so here are a few pics of what you get in the kit, it was a chrissy present from my bro (thanks again jim)

Offline kpnuts

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Re: Hobby's side trawler
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2017, 03:12:53 AM »
Hi all, well where do I start, I knew this would be a challenge (never tried this type of kit before) well if I do another, and that's a big if, I will change somethings there are no tabs just gluing edge to edge with the cardboard also they've modelled it with a flat deck (As we all know they're not they're curved to allow the water to run off) I've adjusted that the cardboard is very soft and thin also there is a bend into the middle of the hull template in order to fit it in the box since I've glued the hull together the sides toward the stern have gone concave so will have to unglue those and make some formers for ti to keep it out, I would suggest to future builders you trace the parts out not thicker and stiffer cardboard and add some tabs to increase the strength and make gluing easier.
Anyway here is where I am now .

Offline Old Wombat

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Re: Hobby's side trawler
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2017, 06:53:23 PM »
That's the right idea! Start with the decks! :smiley:

I've never built one either but I would've built the decks first, before gluing the pattern together & cut along the outline (from beneath, obviously). Then I would've glued the hull & casings to the decks.
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Offline Jeffry Fontaine

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Re: Hobby's side trawler
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2017, 05:26:08 AM »
From what you have shared so far with your WIP images it would appear that you could have the option to use large sections of plastic card stock to fabricate the hull and deck if you chose to do so.  The paper card hull sections would make ideal templates for doing that. 
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Offline kpnuts

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Re: Hobby's side trawler
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2017, 03:22:47 AM »
Hi all here's the next update. Yep I could do that but that would be to easy.

I figure I will matchstick all the sides then sand them all down smooth and paint it rusty white or black also I intend to make the masts and stuff out of other materials