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Let's be about it

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--- Quote from: Silver Fox on June 18, 2014, 11:01:48 PM ---It takes place after Oyster Bay and before Second Manticore, and it will soon be clear why a ship ready for commissioning is without a CO. The action will take place in the Talbot cluster, where I am reasonably sure the SLN will NOT appreciate HMS Enterprise.

Thomas will meet his distant cousin, the Honorable Michelle, there. He will also have two very different encounters with 'The Salamander' in Manticoran space.

Well, Nimitz would tell me that if it feels right to go ahead and continue. As there is another Honor Harrington fan in the house... "Let's be about it".

--- End quote ---
No, I doubt the SLN will appreciate HMS Enterprise at all, given her capabilities for independent action and the standard of initiative that the RMN seems to instill in its officers.  Given all that's going down in and around the Talbot cluster, I daresay he's going to see plenty of "interesting times", even without the "attractor" phenomena that the combination of ship and captain's name are likely to produce.

Is Admiral Gold Peak Thomas' distant cousin or Davis'?  The first installment seemed to suggest the later.

Yeah, I've been a Honor Harrington fan since On Basilisk Station first came out and look forward to seeing where you take this.  Installments II and III were most enjoyable and I look forward to more.

Silver Fox:
Commodore Davis Henke is a distant cousin of Admiral Gold Peak.

I mis-wrote when I said Thomas will meet his cousin. Thomas is of yeoman stock, unrelated to the Manticoran aristocracy. Original post edited to correct the error.

Nice catch. :)

Silver Fox:
I should warn readers that this is likely to be a very long story. There are at least two installments prior to Enterprise seeing independent action, and probably three or four after that before things really heat up. The climactic battle will be worth it... As will the return of Enterprise to Manticoran space. That scene I already have written, it's the true payoff for everything that comes before.

But you will just have to wait. :)

I haven't read any Honor Harrington...yet!  But I like this story - looking forward to the next installments!!

Silver Fox:
Almost impossible to write this without spoilers of things in the series.

Having said that... If my feeble efforts introduce you to Honor Harrington, then I am truly honoured. I have spent many an enjoyable hour riding along with Honor Harrington and her crews. Great reads, all of the books.


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