Modelling > Land

Panther tank and Jagdpanther

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I'll have to did it out of my old computer but I'm sure it came from a post on Missing Links some ears ago.

Can't find the article now as their forums have changed ISPs - attached some pics I saved from 2014.
some info here -

Pic of text below was saved in my old text files.  Sounds to me that someone is paraphrasing what the Polish worker's daughter said as HEAT projectiles etc were later than WW2.  But experiments with sandwich armour using concrete & wire-mesh makes sense.

Reliable research from Germany says that the initial purpose of Schurtzen was to defeat the Russian high-velocity anti-tank rifle.  Zimmeritt was to defeat the Russian "sticky bombs" (Bovington Museum said the zim on their tank was cancer-causing - contained asbestos etc).

Most likely these brackets were fitted to trial floating Panthers across rivers in Russia or to indeed fit wooden or composite Schurtzen against various RPG type weapons.  See pic of Pz-38t so fitted with floats below.
Panzer Art do a set for the wooden "zigzag armour" (not really believable -too modern) quite a few other German tanks (Pz-III & Pz-IV) used logs or planks.

This panther was rebuilt in France after the war by a junkyard owner.


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