Yeah, mate. I'm making her a SAR bird, plus, if I
was to fit a MAD boom, I'd use the Tracker's retractable item (less chance of damage on take-off & landing).
Also, if I was to make her an ASW bird, there'd need to be a second (different) aircraft type with her to drop the ordnance.
Options I'm toying with are;
Sonobuoy chutes are going to be for smoke-flares, with
1) A chute coming out the rear, loaded & launched by the non-pilot crew, for cased emergency equipment with maybe 4 or 6 internal reloads.
2) 2 x wing-mounted drop-cases & a radome on the butt
3) Go for nothing & just square off the end, with the crew relying on the smoke-flares to guide in watercraft if they can't land.
Note: The casings will have a small raft (3/4 person) & emergency supplies (medical, water, food) in them for those situations when the water is too rough to make a landing.
(Odd thought: How does one "land" on water?

Edit: Tidied up reply, it was a mess.