Part XXXIV: Where no ‘cat has gone before
Elizabeth lead her guests to a small sitting area where refreshments had been laid out. There were various small food items, including a small bowl of celery for the ‘cats. As the bowl was not empty, Thomas surmised that it had just arrived, but he would have bet that no one had entered or left the room. Apparently at this level, the stewards had mastered the skills of teleportation. Nimitz let out a small “bleek!” and signed a message to his person. Honor chuckled and turned to Thomas, “The coming and goings of stewards apparently perplexes you Thomas. Nimitz sensed your confusion over how the refreshments had arrived without anyone entering the room.”
Hamish Alexander turned to his wife, “He’s of sufficient rank. Please put the poor man out of his misery and explain it to him.” Honor laughed heartily, “I will Hamish, I will! It’s just that it’s always so much fun to see the reaction to something that should have been obvious. I know I was dumbfounded when it was first explained to me.” Turning back to Thomas she explained, “You see Thomas, all stewards attend certain Foreign Service training courses. We don’t advertise it, but the last line of defence for our senior officers or dignitaries have always been the stewards. These people are so often overlooked, or completely ignored, people just don’t observe them. Most stewards never serve in any capacity other than stewards, but the ability to pass through a room full of people and just not be seen has certain advantages.”
Thomas sank back in his chair. Yes, it was obvious that it should have caught his attention. The way the stewards moved, the silence when they opened a hatch by hand, these were the skills of an infiltration team member. Even the way they cared for their charge, utmost concern for the safety and well-being of their chosen officer. Given time, Thomas was sure that he would figure out just how stewards selected who they would serve. However, that was for another time. Turning back to the Fleet Admiral, “I see Ma’am. It should have been obvious. I suppose that even those of us who are served tend to not look too close. Thank you for telling me.” Honor smiled at him, “Please keep it under your beret Thomas. As I said, it isn’t something for public consumption.” Thomas nodded, “Of course Ma’am. Besides, who would believe me?” Thomas grinned at his superior officer.
Elizabeth decided it was time to move the conversation back to the point of this visit, “Captain, in recent years I have made it my practice to personally thank those officers who have served in such exemplary fashion. There have been times I was unable to publicly acknowledge such contributions to the Star Kingdom, but I have always tried to ensure that my feelings were known. Even when I couldn’t show that thanks publicly.” She smiled a sad smile at memories of another time, “There will be no problem with public acknowledgement in your case. Nevertheless, the private expression of thanks has become a sort of tradition, one I wish to uphold. After all, Monarchies run on tradition.”
Thomas hesitated then stuttered, “You Majesty. Thanks aren’t necessary, I was only carrying out my orders and doing my duty!” Elizabeth gave a wry smile to Honor, “Nonsense Captain! Yes, it was your duty, and yes, you were following your orders. It’s how you did your duty and how you followed your orders that is the question.” Elizabeth grinned, “Let me tell you something Captain. I have grown quite used to certain of my officers trying to deny me the privilege of showing my appreciation. You Captain have my thanks, but be warned. You are not yet of sufficient rank to get away with what certain of your elders have!” Despite the stern words, there was a whimsical gleam in the Empresses eyes, it was met with open laughter from Hamish and Honor.
Honor turned to Thomas, “Take the warning seriously Captain. The longer you deny her the little pleasures, the more likely Your Queen will find some way of making you pay in the end. Better to take your lumps now and get it over with.” All the treecats in the room let out a ringing “BLEEK!” and all the humans except Thomas laughed. He was more than a little perplexed at how easily these people got along. Somehow, he too was being drawn into the web.
Elizabeth interjected again, “Honor is right Captain. In the end, I will have my way. Best to just put up with my little quirks now.” Elizabeth smiled, “Captain, it has been decided that you will receive The Manticore Cross. There will be a formal presentation ceremony later, but congratulations. I have decided on a more personal honour.” The Empress turned to Honor, “Dame Honor would you care to assist?” Honor sobered, “Of course, Your Majesty”
Honor rose and walked a short distance where she collected a small red pillow and a sword, “Thomas would you stand please, then kneel on the pillow?” Thomas stood, and then kneeled as requested. Elizabeth took the sword from Honor and approached Thomas. She turned to Thomas, “Captain, you go by Thomas now? Is that how you choose to be known for the future?”
Kirk thought for only a moment, “Actually Ma’am. I think I have outgrown the need for ‘Thomas’. Please call me James, or just Jim.”
A loud buzzing purr filled the room; Jim Kirk turned his head and locked eyes with Dreams of Questions. The ‘cat wasted no time in leaping onto his outstretched arms.
Ceremonies would have to wait. Jim Kirk was whole again.