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Profiles and Pixels / Re: Litvyak's profiles
« Last post by Litvyak on Today at 07:22:47 AM »
So I've got the small and easy map done - the three uninhabited islands, Broughton Island, Chirpoy, and Lesser Chirpoy. I rather like how the mountains turned out, especially Chirpoy - I think I did a decent job of representing the topography there, but I'm sure they'll get even better as I go along doing the other islands... slowly.

I used the AAA road maps that I became all too familiar with on summer family road trips all around the States as a kid/teen on navigator duty for my dad as an inspiration/guide... wanted to give the feel of a map you'd pull out of the glovebox when stopped at a layby or a roadside service centre for a coffee and sandwich. I'd appreciate any feedback on ways to improve it, that I can incorporate into the next maps when I tackle them!
Land / Re: Sd.Kfz.182 King Tiger (Henschel Turret) - Meng 1/35
« Last post by Rod The Fixer on Today at 06:04:05 AM »
Camo phase one almost completed ...

by Rodolfo Masti, on Flickr

by Rodolfo Masti, on Flickr

by Rodolfo Masti, on Flickr

by Rodolfo Masti, on Flickr

by Rodolfo Masti, on Flickr
Land / Re: Claymore's AH AFVs: Take 2
« Last post by Claymore on Today at 05:53:30 AM »
I personally am pledged to the time-honoured Old Goat motto: "Nothing from this Century!".  But, by gum, that was impressive!

An inspiring tale full of wallet-emptying daring, persistence, and an almost Gen Y-like tech-savvy perspicacity. Breathtaking! And now I'll be needing a bit of a sit-down ...

 ;D  ;D  ;D

I'm still setting up what started as a 'I'll just bung that in the garage' and has now turned into a 'this industrial estate where formerly was a large area'.

These things are like immensely expensive macadamia nuts; there's no stopping once you start. You now need a washing/curing station because that sort of thing is for peons after all, not elegant and refined 3D printing persons such as ourselves. Of course there's the ducting to think of, and the fans, and why not duct in the spray booth? That's right, the open window where you held your breath to spray is no longer good enough!

It's at this point I realised that my delusions of grandeur far exceeded both my wallet's and garage's capacity

Yup, yup and yup!  ;)
Land / Re: Royal Australian Marines Vickers Medium Tank Mk.II*
« Last post by Buzzbomb on Today at 05:26:53 AM »
I am sure there is something about slow and steady winning the race....
But dammit, getting twitchy waiting to see how this is coming out... keep going :smiley: :smiley:
Land / Re: Anti-Aircraft: SPAAG/SAM Ideas and Inspiration
« Last post by ChalkLine on Today at 05:13:38 AM »
V-150 with M167A2 20mm Vulcan
Land / Re: Western equivalent to the ubiquitous Soviet BRDM-2?
« Last post by ChalkLine on Today at 04:42:18 AM »
Really attractive early turret on the V-100 (Commando)

Group and Themed Builds / Re: Next GB
« Last post by GTX_Admin on Today at 01:35:29 AM »
Land / Re: Royal Australian Marines Vickers Medium Tank Mk.II*
« Last post by Old Wombat on Today at 01:27:08 AM »
Couple more camo colours on the track guards & front "splash" guard, plus a couple of fix-ups of the hull paint job = more (if slow) progress! :smiley:
Land / Re: Side Projects - Greyhound and Brit Weapons Carrier
« Last post by Old Wombat on Yesterday at 07:52:32 PM »
These are coming along very nicely!  :smiley:

... and orientation of forward vs aft facing mortars is in tinker mode as well...

Aft-facing is kinda handy for shoot-and-scoot. </vote>

Plus you're not firing over the driver's head & deafening him. (Or her .... Thank you, Reg.)
Other / firefighting boat & Mi-24, yellow : hybrid aircraft/animals e.a.
« Last post by ericr on Yesterday at 06:53:00 PM »

firefighting boat & Mi-24, yellow : hybrid aircraft/animals e.a.

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