Author Topic: Hobby Boss  (Read 193666 times)

Offline Jeffry Fontaine

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Re: Hobby Boss
« Reply #50 on: September 15, 2012, 12:57:57 AM »
Hobby Boss 2012-11 product update

Some neat models coming soon :)
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Offline Dr. YoKai

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Re: Hobby Boss
« Reply #51 on: September 15, 2012, 02:53:06 AM »
 I don't keep up like I used to-what is that boxy looking structure/mini-sub? on the back of the USS Greenville?

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Re: Hobby Boss
« Reply #52 on: September 15, 2012, 03:01:58 AM »
I don't keep up like I used to-what is that boxy looking structure/mini-sub? on the back of the USS Greenville?

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Re: Hobby Boss
« Reply #53 on: September 15, 2012, 04:44:05 AM »
 Interesting, that-thanks, Greg.

Offline ChernayaAkula

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Re: Hobby Boss
« Reply #54 on: September 15, 2012, 08:03:06 AM »
Hobby Boss 2012-11 product update

Some neat models coming soon :)

A Merkava ARV? Wow!  :icon_surprised: That's quite "out there" for a full kit from a mainstream manufacturer.  Wonder whether they'll also consider a Namer HAPC?

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Offline raafif

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Re: Hobby Boss
« Reply #55 on: September 15, 2012, 10:14:20 AM »
that Merk-3 ARV is of a limited-production type that is no longer in service -- both Legends & AEF did it in resin several yrs ago.

I fear a kit of the production Namer HAPC (Merk-4 chassis) will be several years away unfortunately :(

Offline AGRA

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Re: Hobby Boss
« Reply #56 on: September 15, 2012, 10:27:10 AM »
that Merk-3 ARV is of a limited-production type that is no longer in service -- both Legends & AEF did it in resin several yrs ago.

I fear a kit of the production Namer HAPC (Merk-4 chassis) will be several years away unfortunately :(

The handful of Merkava ARV conversions were just Mk 3 tanks without the turret. The Namer is a new design from the hull floor upwards. So much harder to make a scale model out of compared to the ARV. The only thing model wise that would be common between the Namer and Merkavas would be the tracks and suspension.

Offline ChernayaAkula

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Re: Hobby Boss
« Reply #57 on: September 15, 2012, 06:48:14 PM »
I know they're quite different.  ;) The good things is we're talking about Hobby Boss here. Take their CV90 family, for example. The way they set up the sprues in their kit of the CV90-40C with add-on armour, they'll only be able to use the tracks, suspension and some assorted bits'n'pieces for their upcoming CV90-40 kit. The hull and turret parts will have to be completely new. And if you look at Legend's conversion for the Merkava ARV, that's also a fairly involved affair. I reckon the Hobby Boss version will also come with a lot of new parts. Lots of new parts plus an extra new hull for the Namer don't seem that unlikely.
So, going from Hobby Boss' inclination to consider "out there"subjects and and their willingness to make "family" kits even when they don't have very much in common, I think they might consider a Namer. Well, at least I hope they might. :P

Another thing that I find interesting is that they even consider an ARV. The ARV variant was the only CV90 variant they apparently did NOT consider (at least according to their pattern maker's comment on Armorama). Hmmm, a Leo 2-based Büffel ARV? Come on, Hobby Boss, you know you want to....

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Offline Diavel

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Re: Hobby Boss
« Reply #58 on: October 02, 2012, 02:53:58 AM »
There are some very nice armour kits being released in 35th scale, and I am sure I am not alone when saying this this, but wouldn't it be nice if there were more 1/72nd scale stuff coming out too. It seems to me that this scale is getting left behind as far as armour and military vehicles are concerned.
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Re: Hobby Boss
« Reply #59 on: October 02, 2012, 12:36:44 PM »
Y'know, looking at that Me262-A1b, I'm wondering how much effort it would take to modify it as a Nakajimi Ki-201?

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Re: Hobby Boss
« Reply #60 on: October 03, 2012, 12:22:57 AM »
Y'know, looking at that Me262-A1b, I'm wondering how much effort it would take to modify it as a Nakajimi Ki-201?

There are some differences, besides the engines. The tail looks a little different and so does the nose and canopy. I did a Google search for the Ki-201... and the images it returned ware of my Ki-201 (1/72 RS resin kit).

Offline Daryl J.

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Re: Hobby Boss
« Reply #61 on: October 12, 2012, 11:46:29 PM »
 1/72 Claude, Stormovik, and Gladiator announced.   

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Re: Hobby Boss
« Reply #62 on: October 14, 2012, 04:04:01 AM »
New Releases for October:

1/72 Russian T-50 fighter:

1/35 Hungarian "Toldi" II (B40) light tank:

1/48 F-14D "Super Tomcat":

1/700 U.S.S Essex:

1/48 F4U-4 Corsair (Late):

More details, including sprue shots here
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Re: Hobby Boss
« Reply #63 on: October 14, 2012, 06:50:00 AM »
Hi all!!
I hope you are all doing well!!
Nice to see posted the new kit releases for October! I was commisioned to do the box art for the F-14D and the F4U-4 kits!
I am a bit grin to see that Hobby boss team changed the original VF-31 markings i did in the painting, with the VF-101 Cream reapers, shown on the box! VF-31 is one of my favourite SQNS! I am anxious to see how the box art looks on the box cover cos they changed using computer graphic programs!!
I hope you'll enjoy the new releases!!                                                              All the best,
                                                                                                                    Kostas Kavvathias

Offline Queeg

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Re: Hobby Boss
« Reply #64 on: October 14, 2012, 07:38:01 AM »
Hi all!!
I hope you are all doing well!!
Nice to see posted the new kit releases for October! I was commisioned to do the box art for the F-14D and the F4U-4 kits!
I am a bit grin to see that Hobby boss team changed the original VF-31 markings i did in the painting, with the VF-101 Cream reapers, shown on the box! VF-31 is one of my favourite SQNS! I am anxious to see how the box art looks on the box cover cos they changed using computer graphic programs!!
I hope you'll enjoy the new releases!!                                                              All the best,
                                                                                                                    Kostas Kavvathias

Awesome work Kostas!!!!    The F4U looks tempting, I've been wanting to get some for ages as the Corsair makes a great whif chassis ....

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Re: Hobby Boss
« Reply #65 on: October 14, 2012, 09:16:09 AM »
Great work Kostas...I was curious to see if you had a hand in any of these.
All hail the God of Frustration!!!

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Re: Hobby Boss
« Reply #66 on: October 14, 2012, 11:16:59 PM »
Dear Queeg and  GTX Admin thank you for the kind words about my art!!
I hope that the kits will be also good! I have been reading some  issues for the Hobby boss kits in the web, but i cannot help on that! I only take part in the designing of the box art! All the rest taking place in China!!
have a good modelling time!!!                                                             Kostas

Offline Jacques Deguerre

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Re: Hobby Boss
« Reply #67 on: October 19, 2012, 05:06:21 AM »
The Toldi II isn't quite the same as the Dominican L60 but it still looks like it would be fun to build as a tank from a Whif banana republic.

Offline Queeg

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Re: Hobby Boss
« Reply #68 on: October 19, 2012, 05:46:49 AM »
Dear Queeg and  GTX Admin thank you for the kind words about my art!!
I hope that the kits will be also good! I have been reading some  issues for the Hobby boss kits in the web, but i cannot help on that! I only take part in the designing of the box art! All the rest taking place in China!!
have a good modelling time!!!                                                             Kostas

Very few manufacturers are perfect. I like Hobbyboss kits and as I prefer to build for fun small accuracy issues don't lessen their good value for money and the fact they're readily available, so much for me.

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Re: Hobby Boss
« Reply #69 on: October 19, 2012, 06:41:08 AM »
dear Queeg,
i think you are more than right! I remember how easy and free times were back in the 80's when i was building kits strait from the box and not having so many worries about the shapes and accuracy! That of course does not means i did not tried to correct some very obvious mistakes, plus making sure my model to be as historical correct as possible! But, a lot of modellers nowadays are always with masses of data and rullers in their hands and trying to prove that this or that is 0,4mm wrong, and that green there is not the exact green used from Luftwaffe in November 12th 1943 at 13.00 hours!!!!!!!etc etc
I think a modeller should have moments of enjoyment and not frustration!!
Have a good modelling times!!!                                                           All the best, Kostas

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Offline ChernayaAkula

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Re: Hobby Boss
« Reply #71 on: January 05, 2013, 11:54:12 AM » has posted some pages of the Trumpeter and Hobby Boss catalogues for 2013/2014. LINK
They're  not the full catalogues (and mixed up to boot  :-X), but just the armour pages of both catalogues and some ship and 1/72 Easy Build aircraft pages of the Hobby Boss catalogue. A lot of stuff is therefore still missing.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2013, 12:07:54 PM by ChernayaAkula »

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Offline LemonJello

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Re: Hobby Boss
« Reply #72 on: January 05, 2013, 08:59:28 PM »
Pics of the MTVR and the Delta FAV/SEAL DPV! Now if they actually make it into production, they'll make it into my stash!

Offline GTX_Admin

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Re: Hobby Boss
« Reply #73 on: January 07, 2013, 06:05:10 PM »
Agree re FAV
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Offline ChernayaAkula

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Re: Hobby Boss
« Reply #74 on: January 15, 2013, 01:29:28 AM »
Again courtesy of, the complete Hobby Boss catalogue for 2013/2014. LINK

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