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Aero-space / USAF A-37B Dragonfly
« Last post by ScranJ51 on Today at 10:10:29 AM »
USAF A-37B operated by the 8th SOS, Bien Hoa, Vietnam:

A37B-3 by David Freeman, on Flickr

A37B-2 by David Freeman, on Flickr

A37B-1 by David Freeman, on Flickr
Aero-space / Actual and a Hypothetical
« Last post by ScranJ51 on Today at 10:06:35 AM »
The actual is this Pakistani JF-17 Fighter:

JF17-2 by David Freeman, on Flickr

JF17-1 by David Freeman, on Flickr

Jointly developed by Chengdu Aircraft Industries in China and the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex.  Pakistan call the aircraft the JF-17 Thunder and have 275 on order.  The Peoples Liberation Army Air Force call the aircraft the FC-1 Fierce Dragon.

The theoretical is an FC-1 operated by the 1st Fighter Squadron of the 1st Mixed Aviation Regiment, Ethiopean Air Force:

FC1-2 by David Freeman, on Flickr

FC1-1 by David Freeman, on Flickr

In December 1998 Ethiopia ordered 6 Su-27SKs and 2 Su-27UBK's.  In 1999 these Su-27SK's (piloted by Russian military advisers) destroyed 5 and damaged 2 more Etitrean Mig-29s without loss. In 2002 Ethiopia ordered 7 more SU-27UK's but by 2020 found the on-going cost of operating these aircraft crippling.  Always keen to gain influence on Africa, China offered 14 FC-1 aircraft at no cost to replace the SU-27's, and also contributes substantially to the operating costs.
Land / Re: A few 1/35 IFV's and AFV's
« Last post by Ramba on Today at 08:08:36 AM »
That green looks great! The real life color seems to fade to a lighter shade - at least in direct sunlight.

Thanks! The Mission Models green isn't as bright as in my photos. I actually lightened the photos in Photoshop adjusting the shadows and highlights just a little for a clearer view. It is a duller green but hard to photograph correctly. I would have to use long exposure on manual settings with the tripod in natural light.

One thing I noticed with the Mission Models paint, it rubs off easily with the slightest of touches so you need to put a clear coat on to handle the model. Even after drying for a couple days, it still rubs off easily. I will wait another couple days then put a clear coat on and see how that affects the color.
Aero-space / Re: XB-51, B-51, EB-51, etc...
« Last post by raafif on Today at 06:17:12 AM »
sometimes you can't beat the original.

Tho adding outboard missiles is too much.
Land / Re: BISON APC, Canada, 1:35, conversion
« Last post by apophenia on Today at 03:55:50 AM »
Looking at those makes me wonder about an articulated 10 x 10 vehicle using a standard 6 x 6 version attached to a 4 x 4 constructed from the rear part.

Or reverse that arrangement for an articulated 10x10? So, the forward 4x4 component houses the vehicle crew and engine/transmission. The rear 6x6 component is effectively empty - for use by dismounts or for armament or honkin' huge radar system, etc.
Swords to Plowshares GB / Re: Swords to Plowshares Inspiration Thread
« Last post by apophenia on Today at 03:47:53 AM »
Something for apophenia to ponder ...

How did I forget that one! Hell yeah, bring on the buzzsaws  >:D

Looks like something designed to fight Godzilla

It does. And I don't fancy Gojira's chances here  :o
Land / Re: '76 Ford Torino “Starsky and Hutch Tv serie”- Revell 1:25
« Last post by finsrin on Today at 03:11:41 AM »
Took years; finally did settle down.
Swords to Plowshares GB / Re: Aer Ab-11 'L-BUCD'
« Last post by robunos on Today at 03:09:34 AM »

Yeah, it's not the best, I'm a little bit disappointed, considering it's a Special hobby kt, and a new tool at that . . .
But anyway,
Undercarriage on, have to be careful, it's quite delicate . . .

Now it's painting time . . .
That's All For Now, Stay Tuned . . .

Swords to Plowshares GB / Re: Swords to Plowshares Inspiration Thread
« Last post by GTX_Admin on Today at 02:17:47 AM »
Something for apophenia to ponder;


Looks like something designed to fight Godzilla
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