Hello all:
I notice we don't have one of these types of thread for the Tornado. I think it would actually be a good excercise to see what more could be done with a combat aircraft that's already done a fair bit in the real world, make our brains work a bit more.
I remember several years ago I slapped some USN decals from an F-8 Crusader (VF-2 as I recall) onto the cruddy old 1/72 Monogram Tonado kit, bu otherwise built it from the box.
The thought hit me more recently of what if the Bundesmarine had a carrier force with the Tornado as fleet defence? What sort of mods would be needed to make it a real carrier contender.
Basing my idea on the premise that the Bundesmarine used both the ADV and IDS on their ships, I came up with this list of mods that I think would be common to both:
Beefed up landing gear with towbar on lose leg and lighter tailhook replaced with carrier type.
Thrust reverser system deleted. It would be extra weight and a corrosion trap on carriers.
Folding hinge on tail fin.
Make the radome hinge able to swing through 180 degrees for storage and seal the radome and avionics compartment at this hinge point:
net photoIt did strike me to think of it as a joint project with Grumman. If I look at the similarities between the main landing gear on the Tornado and on the A-6 Intruder, I could see Panavia turning to a proven hand in carrier aircraft to get things like that right. There some aspects of the Intruder gear that I think could be adapted to the Tornado's for strengthening.
Considering the range of weaponry and missions the Tornado can adapt to, having a carrier capable variation on the family would certainly be attractive if it's creator nations had conventional carriers.
Now I know very well that I'm not the first to entertain ideas of a navalised Tornado and that the above are just my take on the idea of getting more milage from the design.
What else could be done with the "Fin"?
Looking forward to whatever other ideas might be lurking in other brains.